Hold on everyone, because Sense8 is back and we’re loving it. The Wachowski’s Netflix show returned to the streaming service on May 5th and the internet is going crazy. The full ten episodes are available and there’s everything you expected and more.
This time we get closer to the sensates individual stories as they face the great conspiracy against them. There’s more action, more love, and way more emotions.
In case you’ve been living under a rock, here’s all you need to know about the Wachowski’s and Sense8
Sense8 is an ambitious series created by J Michael Straczynski, Lana and Lilly Wachowski, the brains behind The Matrix. It focuses on a group of people who discover they’re “sensates.” They are split into groups of people that are both mentally and emotionally connected to others in their clusters.
The Wachowski sisters explore the world of these sensates, focusing on eight characters that are from different parts of the world, including Mumbai, Seoul, Berlin, San Francisco, and London.
The first season was pretty much the world building of the series, focusing on issues such as the bond between the sensates, digging into each of the clusters’ backstories to try to understand how they shared conscious work.So, it was pretty much getting to know the characters and them getting familiar with this cool bond they share.
The first season got positive reviews that celebrated the show’s inclusion. Not only it pushes multi-cultural themes but also LGBTQ themes.There’s a gay character, Lito Rodriguez, who faces the decision of coming out as a gay action actor. There’s also a lesbian and trans character, Nomi Marks, played by a transgender star, Jamie Clayton.
But the show is inclusive both in front and behind the camera. Co-creators Lana and Lilly Wachowski are transgender.

Season 2 coming for more
This new season comes back reloaded with much more. The first episode aired back at Christmas, as a Christmas two-hours special and it was a sneak peak of what to expect.It revealed that the whole group faces an enemy that goes by the name Mr. Whisper, who was actually using one of the clusters to discover things of the other clusters.
Then there was a trailer released on April 10, revealing some more of what’s to come. Even when it was mostly vague on what’s happening it did show us something important.It showed the cast altogether in many occasions, wich is huge since it reinforces that their connectivity is growing.
But now the season’s fully here and we can say that season two delivers what the Wachowski sisters do best: action scenes. The dopest ones.
The second season picks it right where it left it, well almost. It’s been a year since the clusters’ awakening and the eight are much more comfortable in each other’s skin and are pretty confident of their abilities.
Regarding the conspiracy, well, each member finds his or her own way to play in the story of the hunting organization. By the end of the season, every member has become entangled in the problem and there’s a wordless new status quo established.

The awesomeness of Sense8
Let’s start by saying that the show’s premise is pretty much unique and hopeful. Eight strangers that share an emotional and physical bond. They learn to use it to help each other and help themselves, and in that journey find their world becoming a much larger place.
The sensates’ connection allows them to live the world by their experience and share it, and fill it, with the others’ experiences. How dope and scary, and what a call out for empathy and understatement.
Just like social media. Which in fact is the way the sensates have put their connection in words for our mortal understatement.
However, the show portrays humanity’s complexity like no other. By showing us that humans are really capable of so much more than we might seem to be at the moment. The sensates shows us the power of love, thus it’s deeply hopeful about humanity.
The show’s portrayal of the sensates relationships with one another shows us the love these characters share for one another, which is the key to every interaction.The best part is that it not only talks about romantic love but also familiar love, they have all become friends, family, and lovers to one another.
Whenever divisions between people trying to bring us down, humanity always comes through thanks to the power of love.And here’s Sense8 in a nutshell, “a future where our children never grow up knowing love as a wall, but only as a bridge.”

Source: What’s on Netflix