We all know everything is fun and games until you hit puberty. Or, well, puberty hits you. Netflix’s coming of age animated series Big Mouth makes sure you get to remember what it felt like being a teenager. This through the eyes and experiences of Nick, Andrew, Jessi, Missy and Jay. And now the comedy full of dark humor comes back with a hilarious teaser trailer.
Number twos take longer than number ones.#BigMouth Season 2 lands October 5. pic.twitter.com/56H4mNho89
— Big Mouth (@bigmouth) August 29, 2018
So yeah, the Hormone Monsters are back and, after eating the show’s main characters, they will evacuate season two on October 5.
What’s new?
We’ll have ten episodes and two new characters. First of all, there’s Gina, a girl on Missy and Jessi’s soccer team, who seems like it’s gonna be Nick’s love interest. And the voice behind her is Gina Rodriguez.

And now here comes Maury’s (the Hormone Monster) mortal enemy: the Shame Wizard. Played by David Thewlis, The Shame Wizard has been described as a creature “who haunts the kids, stoking their deepest shames.” That doesn’t sound like fun, But then again, it’s a show about the ups and downs of puberty.

Also, Netflix’s news account See What’s Next posted these images on Twitter of what is coming on season two:
#BigMouth Season 2 premieres October 5 — NEW PHOTOS: pic.twitter.com/cbUOOoBWva
— See What’s Next (@seewhatsnext) August 29, 2018
After seeing all of this, we can hardly wait for this new season of Big Mouth. The show is so well done, you end up binge-watching and laughing way too hard. Now we want to see what they come up with. Although it shouldn’t be that hard, since puberty is VERY eventful for everyone. This should be fun. And beware of any Hormone Monsters that may come your way.