Some see them as a blessing, others as a pest, but one thing’s for sure: people have learned to coexist with cats in Istanbul. Directed by Ceyda Torun, Kedi shows the feline face of the city. For those who don’t know, kedi means cat in Turkish.
This documentary is more than just a crazy cat lady’s dream, it’s a lesson. Even though there’s thousands of cats, we get to know seven: Sari, Bengü, Duman, Aslan Parçasi, Deniz, Psikopat, and Gamsiz. And the narrators are the locals, people who interact with these and many other cats.
Without the cat, Istanbul would lose a part of its soul.

From the very beginning, they explain that felines are part of the city’s essence. Some people feel that taking care of these creatures is their duty as citizens. So, they feed, pet, and give them love and attention daily. And while some have cats as pets, the vast majority decide to let them be free in the streets.

As the film develops, we can feel hope in humanity and love in our hearts. There’s people who know pretty clear how important non-human species are.
People who don’t love animals can’t love other people either.

It’s very interesting how every little story each person tell, shows how much they care about those cats. Not only interesting, but really awesome.
Life is beautiful. If you know how to live. You can love if your heart is open. Everything is beautiful when you look at it with love. If you can enjoy the presence of a cat, a bird, a flower, what can i say, all the world will be yours.
Wise words a man says while we get to know the city of Istanbul in a very different way. We get to see back alleys, markets, little restaurants, piers, and many other places. But most of it through cats’ perspective.
This stills will give you life
Besides the stories and the kitties, another great thing about Kedi is the fact that it’s cinematography is sublime. Literally, there’s not a single shot that doesn’t leave you breathless.

The detail.

The beauty.

The balance.

Everything in its right place.

Charlie Wuppermann and Alp Korfali are amazing cinematographers, there’s no doubt.

A cat meowing at your feet, looking up at you is life smiling at you.
You can actually find the whole documentary on YouTube. Do yourself a favor, trust us and go watch the result of love, passion, compassion, and hard work. Promise it’s worth it! Thank us later.
Here, have one last kedi