Warner Bros wants Leonardo DiCaprio to play The Joker according to recent reports. The studio made headlines last week when news broke of a Martin Scorsese produce origin story of Batman nemesis.
According to reports is a move to get longtime Scorsese collaborator Leonardo Dicaprio to play the Clown of Crime.
Di Caprio and Scorsese might join forces again in the upcoming film
When news broke last week that Warner Bros. is developing a movie detailing the origin story of Batman nemesis The Joker, many were surprised to see the name Martin Scorsese listed among the producers.
At the time, it was announced that the upcoming movie wouldn’t star Jared Leto, who most recently played the beloved villain, and would be made under a different DC universe banner. Now, news broke that ‘The Hangover’ helmer Todd Phillips will direct the movie and that the actor being eyed for this non-Leto Joker might be no other than Leonardo DiCaprio.
If Warner Bros. is pursuing DiCaprio as the Joker, that might explain why the actor’s longtime collaborator Martin Scorsese is rumored to be attached to the project as well. According to The Hollywood Reporter, “Sources say Warners will make an ambitious attempt to use Scorsese to bring Leonardo DiCaprio into the world of comic-book movies.”
This might explain the Scorsese being attached to a DC Comics project.
Both DiCaprio and Scorsese have mostly avoided blockbuster fare during their careers, but now that both have their Oscars, maybe that change. But the attempt in itself sends a signal to a talent that Warners wants to hire serious filmmakers to make serious films.
Oscar winner actors have already played the famous role of the Clown Prince of Crime, including Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger, and Jared Leto. Scorsese and DiCaprio are long time collaborator with five films together and two more in the works.
The duo has made five successful films together over two decades: ‘The Aviator’, ‘Gangs of New York’, ‘The Departed’, ‘Shutter Island’ and ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’.
However, there’s no offer for DiCaprio, and sources say Scorsese’s deal to produce isn’t even done yet. The chances of landing DiCaprio could be slim to none.

What about Leto tho?
Jared Leto, who played the Joker in ‘Suicide Squad’, and is signed on to the sequel starring his Joker Margot Robbie‘s Harley Quinn, is not too pleased.
“Leto is said to have made his displeasure with the notion of multiple Jokers known to his CAA agents, and rival agency WME has been using the concern to court him,” claims The Reporter.
Still, all the buzz and controversy may be worth it for Warner Bros. even if the film doesn’t come together. If anything, it serves as a loud signal about their intentions for a new banner of D.C. films.
So whether or not DiCaprio as the Joker ever comes to pass, the rumors do stand as an interesting signal of some very intriguing comic book movies to come.

Exploring new stories
Warner Bros. launched its DC Extended Universe to compete with Marvel Studios with 2013’s Man of Steel. The movies have included the poorly reviewed ‘Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice‘ and ‘Suicide Squad‘, as well as this summer’s well-received Wonder Woman, which was seen as finally correcting a wobbly series.
The movies have a through-line not just of stories but also actors, making them part of a superhero universe.Now, however, Warners wants to branch off with stand-alone movies that are unconnected to that version of the DC world.
The new movies will have non-traditional takes on the heroes and villains of DC, and hopefully, attract actors and filmmakers who don’t typically toil in the comic-book movie world.
‘War for the Planet of the Apes’ director Matt Reeves is developing a Batman stand-alone that, according to sources, will not star Ben Affleck, who plays the caped crusader in the DC Universe movies.
The plan is to launch a separate label for these projects to distinguish them from the rest of the DC films.
The studio caught almost everyone off-guard last month when they announced they’re pursuing a standalone Joker film with Scorsese attached as producer, now we also now ‘The Hangover’s Todd Phillips would actually direct.
The film would be under a new banner allowing filmmakers to explore the mythos of D.C. comic book characters outside of the interconnected D.C. Universe that currently includes Gal Gadot’s ‘Wonder Woman‘ and Leto’s own take on The Joker.
This new Joker film would set a precedent allowing for unique comic book movies outside of the constraints of cinematic universes. It also makes sense considering actual comic books have multiple versions of their characters running around in alternative universes or out-of-continuity one-offs.
It’s also worth noting that Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy allowed certain actors to sign on for just a one-film commitment and was free from dealing with a wider universe.
Aside from this summer’s ‘Wonder Woman‘, those films were the last time Warner Bros. and D.C. found both critical and commercial success.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter