Mothers, is there a more patient, lovely and unconditional person in our lives? No. Mother’s Day is just around the corner and we bring you a bit of history about it, and of course, some cool DIY gift ideas.
A fully dedicated day for the moms
Did you ever wonder what’s the origin of this well-deserved celebration? Despite the beliefs, this day is not just a commercial holiday. The earliest history of Mothers Day dates back to the Greeks. The held ancient annual spring festivals dedicated to maternal goddesses.
During this celebration, they honored Rhea, wife of Cronus and the mother of many deities of Greek mythology.
Ancients Romans also celebrated spring festival called Hilaria, which was dedicated to Cybele, a mother goddess. The celebration lasted for three days in which people made offerings in the temple. There were games, parades, and masquerades and it was held in March.
More recent celebrations
Early Christians also celebrated this day. Or some sort, on the fourth Sunday in Lent in honor of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ. In England, this celebration expanded to all mothers and it was called Mothering Sunday.
Now it starts to sound like present days celebrations.
Mothering Sunday in England dates back to 1600s. On the fourth Sunday of Lent, all mothers were honored. Children brought gifts and flowers to pay tribute to their own mothers. However, the celebration was lost almost completely by the 19th Century.
In the US, Anna Jarvis is recognized as the founder of Mothers Day. Though she never married and never had kids she got the inspiration of celebrating the day with her own mother in her childhood.
Her mother, Mrs. Anna Marie Reeves Jarvis was an activist and social worker and expressed her desire that someday all mothers would be honored and paid tribute to the contributions made by them.
Anna never forgot her mother desire and when she died in 1905 she resolved to fulfill her mother’s desire. She first sent Carnations in the church service in Grafton to honor her mother as they were their favorite flowers.
Then she focused on writing a letter to people in positions of power for the official declaration of Mothers Day holiday. And she made it.
In 1911, Mother’s Day was celebrated in almost every state in the Union. And on May 8, 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a Joint Resolution designating the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day.

DIY ideas for a cool gift
5. A pop art gift
If your mom is into fashion she’ll love having her favorite child silhouette pop art. All you need is a canvas, acrylic paint, vinyl and foam brush.
First, you paint the canvas white. Then you gotta take photos of your subject in profile. Then you’re turning to your laptop to use photoshop and edit the picture to re-size it to in the canvas.
Next, you have to print the photos on regular paper, you gotta trace a “cut-line” around the profile with a Sharpie and then cut along the black line. Now, you use the templates you made from the photos to trace onto the back of a vinyl sheet.
Then you simply stick the vinyl cut-out to the center of the canvas and you paint over it with the color and the foam brush. You remove the vinyl and that’s it!

4. A bracelet to hit the Gilmore Girls kinda relationship
What better way to state that one of a kind friendly mom-and-daughter relationship that with a bracelet. All you need is 1 foot of fine box chain, 2 fold over ends, 2 jump rings, caps, jewelry pliers, and superglue.
Let’s start by putting a tiny drop of glue inside the fold over end. Then, put the ends of one of the chains in the fold over end, then close the sides around the chain with pliers. The repeat with the second piece of chain, but loop the chain through the first piece of the chain before closing in the end.
Now, attach the jump rings and clasp with pliers. Finally, enjoy your bracelet!

3. An ocean stone bath mat
Because, why not? Mom deserves a cool bath mat that reminds her of the ocean and all those funny times at the beach.
You’ll need, an outdoor rubber mat, make sure it has holes or spaces for water to drain. You’ll also need, smooth ocean or river stones – make sure they are porous, not slick and polished. Clear waterproof silicone sealer, plastic drop cloth or an old shower curtain.
First put the old shower curtain on the floor, to work on it. Then You just gotta arrange the stones on the mat for them to fit together.
Try placing the largest rocks over the holes in the mat so that the water will be able to drain but the gap isn’t visible.
Then start gluing the stones, and enjoy!

2. A cheesy book to flip through
Think of all the reasons why you love her or all the things you’re grateful for, or all the special times you’ve to spend together and get to work.
You need, cardstock to print the cards on, a hole punch, a jump ring, a pen to write with and pictures.
Basically, you take the cards and start writing each item of your list on a card. Make sure to keep it in order. You just put them in the jump ring and that’s it!

1. A mom emergency stash
Because even moms need an emergency stash sometimes. You just need a plastic organizer box, ribbon, chocolate and her favorite treats, cardstock and a cool tag.
Simply fill the compartments with the treats. Then put the ribbon, print a cool tag and trim the tag. And enjoy!

Source: Buzzfeed