Cartoons are an awesome thing. Like we have said many times before they speak to us in a very personal way, and even shape us as we grow up. Also, it’s one of our very firsts and naive approximations to art and humor.
But thanks toThe Simpsons and many other sick guys we have some more mature cartoons. One of those is “Rick and Morty,” that has a raw but incredibly clever sense of humor. The series is as lovely as it is repugnant. Making us always laugh, but when it sinks in sometimes we want to cry.
So to celebrate that supposedly the third season of this amazing show is set to be released this year. We are going to leave you with 10 facts that every Rick and Morty die hard fan should know.

10.Jerry’s stupid game.
Obviously, due to the success of the cartoon, the guys have released many games. There is a Meeseek’s fun Box, an Instagram game and two games you can download in the app store.
One is called Pocket Morty’s, a parody of Pokemon, and the other is Jerry’s Game. The actual stupid balloon game.

9.The Simpsons as an influence.
In one of the first interviews co-creator, Dan Harmon referred that the show is in a way a mix between The Simpsons and Futurama. As the show is a real life meets science fiction.
Also, besides making fun of pop culture, there is a couch gag done by Rick and Morty, that also makes a reference to Futurama.

8.The Guido to the Galaxy.
As well, one of the biggest influences on Rick and Morty is Douglas Adams’ “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
The influence and link are pretty clear.

Dan Harmon, one of the creators of the show is also the creator of the comedy TV show Community. In the show, there are occasional subtle flirts with the dimensional topic
There is an episode in the second season called “Unity,” where Rick and Morty make a direct parody of Community and “the cast” of Community make a cameo.

6.Rick and Morty/Doc and Marti.
Rick and Morty are inspired by the “Back To The Future” characters Doc and Marty McFly.
In fact, co-creator Justin Roiland made a first essay of the series many years ago. It was called Doc and Mharti and had a bit darker more straightforward humor than the actual show.

The show makes us laugh a lot. But it has some really deep meanings behind it. Just the explanation of what “Wubbalubbadubdub” means by Bird Person would give you an idea.
Since the show is plagued by nihilism, existentialism and many other intense philosophies. If you’re really interested in it there are many youtube videos that can explain it for you perfectly.

The show has a very spontaneous feel. That is because many things on it are improvised. Especially in the dialogue department.
Also, all the voices from the first episode of Interdimensional Cable (“Rixty Minutes”) were improvised by Justin Roland. Who also voices both Rick and Morty.

3.Classy Rick.
In order to create the classy and iconic Rick’s burps, Justin Roiland drinks tons of water.
Besides, to make them into the final shot he first reads the dialogues and notes where he thinks the burps will sound cool. Then he records.

Roland and Harmond are obsessed with continuity. Something pretty cool as it gives reality to the show. You can see this all across the show.
Like for example when Rick throws the memory parasites in the trash and the house is transported to another dimension, causing a crack in the ground. You can then see that same crack in the episodes in the second season.

1.Longer season.
The very awaited season 3 of Rick and Morty will be longer. Something many fans appreciate. It will consist of 14 episodes
