Pumpkin spice lattes inspire as much love as disgust. Is still pumpkin spice latte season, so why not going crazy and try drinking the largest pumpkin spice latte?
That sure sounds like fun for Matt “Megatoad” Stonie, a competitive eater who drank the equivalent of seven of them in 2 minutes. He drank four cups of coffee, ordered seven pimpkin spice lattes and combined them in a cup to entertain us.
It was another boring day for Matt “Megatoad” Stonie
when he decided to come out with a challenge to prove himself he can eat whatever he sets his mind to. In this particular case, he went for something that most people would reject, a pumpkin spice latte, and not just that but an incredibly large version of it.
Let’s do it!
So Matt bought seven psls in Starbucks and went home to get on with the challenge. He poured the seven into a large cup and put some chantilly over it.

Then he started drinking it.
The drink has about 4,000 calories. Matt responsibly asked people not to try this at home, so concerned with his audience. Bravo Matt, bravo.

He did it!
The dude drank the whole thing, without stopping, in less than 2 minutes, such an incredible achievement. There’s a clear discomfort on his face, and I bet he’s about to throw up.

You’ve changed the world, Matt. We can sleep tight tonight knowing you did it.