As we all know, the internet is full of trolls, from people photoshopping pictures to create ridiculous scenarios to people commenting what you say in the darkest humor way they can. But this dad can take the ultimate prize. He recreates her daughter’s pictures in order to teach her a lesson. Dad trolling his daughter as he gets the ultimate laugh.
Chris Burr Martin is a Washington-based father of three and he has done this before. But this time he managed to get 60K followers on Instagram, that’s double of the number daughter Cassie has. We almost felt sorry for her, but then we looked at his pictures and cracked up. You have to see them, here is our top ten photos of dad Chris.
10. Totally nailed it.
I’m lucky he’s not my dad.

9. He pays attention to details.
Why the toilet paper roll Cassie? Why?

8. At least you should change the pose dear.
If he did it once, he’s gonna do it twice.

7. Who wore it better?
The sexy vampire look fits Chris perfectly.

6. Same haircut, same clothes.
Dad knows how to be sexy too.

5. I actually liked his tattoo better.
You should have asked your dad to do it Cassie.

4. When your father in law is a troll.
I think this is his way of telling him his head is full of air.

3. No Snapchat filter needed.
Is funny how their boobs are the same size.

2. Like nobody’s watching.
But 60k people are.

1. When you learn to put on makeup from your dad.
I think this one might be Cassie trolling dad.
