On Thursday, Tina Fey dropped by ‘Weekend Update’ and delivered a new form of protest that involves a cake. The SNL alum also delivered a rant about the Charlottesville incident.
Seth Meyers and Jimmy Fallon also dropped by and impersonated former US presidents as they delivered wise words.
Anti-hate cake, the best counter-protest alternative
Tina Fey, made a guest appearance on SNL’s spin-off ‘Weekend Update’ on Thursday, and graced us with a new revolutionary, and delicious, way to protest. While discussing with host Colin Jost and Mike Che, Tina Fey brought out a large sheet cake with an American flag design on the top.
“Sheet-caking is a grassroots movement,” Fey said. “Most of the women I know have been doing it once a week since the election.”
Tina, a 1992 graduate of the University of Virginia wore her school sweat-shirt as she stuffed her mouth with cake and spread a little sense during a week seemingly lacking it. The University of Virginia’s Charlottesville campus has been caught in the firestorm of racial tensions after white nationals and white supremacists rallied there a week ago.
Which lead to deadly violence. The racist groups were protesting to the city’s planned removal of a Confederate statue. Several so-called “free speech” rallies are being planned for this weekend in Boston, California, New York and Seattle.
Fey had advice, and urged, for those wanting to counter-protest.
“Instead of participating in these screaming matches and potential violence,” she said. “Find a local business that you support, maybe a Jewish-run bakery, or an African-American-run bakery,” she continued. “Order a cake with the American flag on it like this one, and just eat it.”
Tina wasn’t afraid of speaking the truth
Tina Fey also took swipes while shoveling the cake. She furiously tore apart the white supremacist that marched on Charlottesville, and the president from being so reluctant to condemn them.
“The next time when you see a bunch of white boys in polo shirts screaming about taking their country back, and you want to scream, ‘It’s not our country, you stole it from Native Americans,” she said. “And when they have a peaceful protest at Standing Rock we shoot at them with rubber bullets,” Fey said.
Tina referred and condemn the actions against the thousands of Native Americans and their allies who gathered for months at the Standing Rock Indian Reservation to protest the completion of the Dakota Access crude-oil pipeline.
“But we let you chinless turds march through the streets with semi-automatic weapons’ … don’t yell it at the Klan. Yell it into the cake.”
Then she went on condemning the rallies and pointed out directly to President Trump. “And then our president, Donald John Trump (…) comes out, and he says that he condemns violence ‘on many sides, on many sides,’ Colin,” she said.
“And I’m feeling sick because, you know, I’ve seen Raiders of the Lost Ark, and I wasn’t confused by it.”
“And then Donny Johnny says we need to defend our country’s beautiful Confederate monuments when you know he would take them down in a second if he thought he could build a bunch of poorly constructed condos on the spot,” Fey added.

Small talk between Presidents
Multiple times over the past few days, President Trump has drawn comparisons between Confederate General Robert E. Lee and George Washington. So there to defend himself Thursday night was Washington himself and Jefferson, played by Jimmy Fallon and Seth Meyers respectively.
The two presidents rose from the dead to defend themselves against President Donald Trump’s comparison of them to Robert E. Lee. Jimmy made it clear that Washington was nothing like Lee, saying, “I created this country; he tried to tear it apart. I rebelled against England, he rebelled against America.”
When Michael Che pointed out that Washington owned slaves, Jimmy said that it was wrong, and then added, “If you want to talk about owning slaves, talk about Thomas Jefferson.”
Then Seth Meyers popped in dressed as Thomas Jefferson and said.
“We have all done bad things. The difference between us and Robert E. Lee is we did good things. I wrote the Declaration of Independence.” Jimmy then said, “Not to be a jerk, but I won my war,” and Seth added, “I’m sorry, Robert E. Lee, but I prefer generals who win wars.”
In the end, the “presidents” decided that they didn’t need statues of themselves because their legacy is America itself.
Plus, they already receive the highest honor possible, Jimmy said,
“A three-day weekend when all Americans get 50% off all mattresses.”

Source: Vox