
This Artist Turns Your Resting B*itch Face Into Beautiful Paintings

Loving It.

I’m not mad, this is just my normal face and now is considered art.

If you’re a woman you’re probably tired of people telling you to smile more because you look mad with that signature resting face. Well, this happened to an artist that decided to make art from the so-called resting b*tch faces.

Mandy Tsung is the artist in charge of the project which aims to change people’s conception towards this common but socially-unacceptable expression.


Let’s do something about it.

Mandy Tsung, a Vancouver-based artist, got tired of listening to the same comments about her resting face and decided to do something about it.

Working with a new model! We have such grand plans!

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 The Resting B*tch Face Project.

Back in 2015, she began The Bitchy Resting Face Project, she asked women to send her selfies and turned them into art. She says that this face is the most natural face a woman can make, the most honest expression.

One step at a time.

Analyzing the fact that people always demand women to change their resting face into a smile, she concluded that perhaps people feel unsettle because it makes it hard to objectify women with this expression.

The most honest expression.

Mandy said that “By depicting women as we are naturally, I hope to erase the shame and negativity that we feel about simply being ourselves.”

Opening exhibition.

Now she’s opening an exhibit of her paintings at the Hot Art Wet City gallery. Here she is at her exhibition, way to go, girl!

Remember, there’s no shame in using your resting face whenever you feel like doing it.





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