
The Viral Ad That Will Geniunly Put You In Tears [VIDEO]

Right On The Feels

This ad will melt your heart!

Allegro’s Christmas ad hits you right in the feelings. This company is the number one online auction in Polland, and it recently released its Christmas commercial. The advertisement was created by the Pole agency Bardzo, and is just adorable and heartwarming.

The story follows a man in his golden years, who orders a book to learn English and finds himself in the adventure of learning a new language. The funny situations he’s got into make you wonder why is he taking so much trouble to do this, and the answer is just beautiful.


This cute old man finds himself in a new adventure.

Enjoy this heartwarming advertisement.

Ordering online.

This guy orders a book online, called “English for beginners”, and once it arrives he jumps in the adventure of learning a new language.

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Image Credit: Youtube

And what an adventure it is!

He fills the house with post-its and keeps practicing and practicing English everywhere, in the bath, on the bus, while watching a movie and even with his cute dog.

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Image Credit: Youtube

Then he receives a package.

This time its a suitcase, which by now the sir knows how to say in English. Well done!

Image Credit: Youtube
Image Credit: Youtube

Hitting the road.

He goes to the airport and after a long flight, he gets to a place where cabs are black and finally knocks the door of a home, where he’s welcomed to come in.

Image Credit: Youtube
Image Credit: Youtube

The cutest ending

And then you know why he took the trouble of learning English. A little girl shows up, and he walks towards her and gently says “Hi, I’m your grandpa. At the end the ad reads ” We’re all looking to connect and bond, and some people is definitely worth the effort.

Image Credit: Youtube
Image Credit: Youtube



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