
Michelle Obama Appears On Jimmy Fallon One Last Time [VIDEO]

Michelle Obama 2020 Everyone

After eight years on the charge, Barack Obama is leaving the presidency of the United States. Through all those years, besides being president of one of the most powerful countries in the world. He has turned into a kind of a rock star, and so has his family.

His wife Michelle Obama has acquired the rock star status. Through her diverse initiatives, activism and fashion sense. So soon to be ex-president Barack Obama has been saying his farewell and first lady Michelle has done the same.


One last time at Jimmy Fallon.

The first lady had visited the show over the years. Once at 2013 and another in 2015. But on the night of Wednesday, January 11th, she did it one last time. As both knew this they decided to do what every polite and educated person would’ve done. Write some thank you/farewell notes.

The roots.

For any fan of the show one of the features, besides the guest stars, is the incredible music of The Roots. They are not only incredible musicians but also persons with a great sense of humor. Through the years, and as Jimmy said, they’ve never been so happy and participative with a guest.

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Jimmy saying thanks.

Jimmy invited the first lady to write some farewell thank you notes along him. So he took the time to joke and thank the first lady for not only being an icon and role model for many women. But also for promoting good health and redefining the modern American woman as well.

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Michelle Obama.

As well the soon to be ex-first lady took the chance to thank his husband for his incredible job. She also did the same with all the associations and initiatives she has worked with. Remembering the importance of having a good education and a healthy lifestyle. She explained that her daughter Sasha was in a final during Barack’s final speech, as it was a priority logically.

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All jokes?

Obviously, the humor was the key component of the sketch. As Jimmy joked about Michelle’s “bare arms” and Obama “being a nerdy Jay-Z.”, Michelle joked about “the inauguration day, aiming for a good gif” and getting “four more years.” Finally, Jimmy asked her if she will run for the presidency? as she likes so much exercise.

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