We all have tried to break a record at one point in our livesWhetherer it was with a video game, in sports, with our couple or who knows? a world record. I mean who doesn’t want to be number 1 at something?
Jimmy Fallon, along with Drew Barrymore awaken their inner child in a pretty serious competition, as they try to break some records. You know just for fun.

Drew Barrymore on Jimmy Fallon.
The Tonight Show Staring Jimmy Fallon has become a well-known tv show due to his incredible sections and sketches. With just mentioning the Lip Sync revolution is enough. Also, something that makes everyone love The Tonight Show is the amazing stars that are invited to it.
This time it was Drew Barrymore who was the guest star of the show. As she was promoting her new Netflix series called Santa Clarita Diet. Who presents you an average suburban California mom but that has developed a new taste for human flesh. Since she has turned into a kind of zombie.
After promoting the show.
After Drew promoted her new diet menu at the show, Jimmy decided to break some records along with her. Since everything in the show has to be spectacular.So he got a lot of the crew members, and Guinness world records knowledge and set up the stage. So Drew could go through history in her visit to The Tonight Show.
Make it a record.
They got several new records. Like more “lipstick applications in 30 seconds” and “wearing the world’s widest wig.” As she got the support from Jimmy and the cast by breaking some banners with her name.
All of this seems a bit set up but the records Drew Barrymore broke on The Tonight Show are legit. Since they even got an official representative of Guinness to corroborate the records.

Here’s Drew forgetting her vegan diet and going on a full Hanibal Lester mode.
Source: youtube.com