On Tuesday, Dakota Johson couldn’t keep it together on The Tonight Show. Jimmy Fallon played a hilarious set of Mad Lib Theater with the actress, in which they recreated a scene from Fifty Shades of Grey. The pair turned the S&M movie scene into a completely absurd comedy.
The recreation was so funny, that when the “fifty shades darker” stars were in the middle of the movie’s promotion. Dakota’s co-star, Jamie Dorman, spoofed a segment on The Ellen Show, she played with Jimmy and delivered a funny skit.
Mad Lib Theater.
Fifty Shades of Grey is not usually known for its comedy content. No, the steamy drama is all about the relationship between Anastasia and Christian, who very rarely share a sarcastic joke or an eventual chuckle. Maybe that explains why Dakota Johson simply lost it while giving a comedy twist to the dramatic movie. This video is worth your time.
Dakota Johnson on The Tonight Show.
As part of the promotion of the Fifty Shades of Grey’s sequel, Dakota Johnson dropped by on Jimmy Fallon’s show on Tuesday. The actress and Jimmy discussed the upcoming movie, as well as how she drives a Ford F-150 truck.
After showing a clip of the movie it was time for some fun in the best Fallon style. The actress and the host prepared to play Mad Lib Theater, in which they picked key words such as adjectives, nouns, and verbs. Those words would be randomly integrated on a dialogue to recreate a scene from Fifty Shades of Grey.

Trying to keep it together.
The pair recreated the first time Anastasia and Christian met, at Mr Grey’s office. Fallon played Christian, and Dakota of course, played Anastasia, this time called Anastasia Barf-Barf. The result was a hilarious scene full of absurd and ridiculous dialogues.
The conversation included things as random as “Zamboni driver”, funerals, hairless sausages and moving to Detroit with Beyonce. Dakota was brought to tears in the middle of the recreation while Jimmy tried his best to impersonate Christian’s mysterious and sexy energy. They both hilariously failed.

Heating up.
As Dakota and Jimmy had so much fun, the things began to heat up when Dakota expressed how Christian made her feel as she declared “When I’m around you, I feel like a Zamboni driver at a funeral.” Definitely hot!
The upcoming sequel marks the return of this hot couple. This time Anastasia will have to face two women from Christian’s past, his ex-partner Elena, Kim Basigner, and the mysterious Leila, Bella Heathcote.

Source: MTV