Animals are one of the most amazing things about this world. But life is not easy for them, and we are to blame. As we have altered nature’s order and reality many times. As we have attempted to get resources in a reckless way.
And that reckless way to act has taken many species close to extinction. And that is sadly the case of the lovely and big elephants. Who are hunted by their ivory, and we are the only ones who can stop it.

China is taking the lead.
Something maybe Trump would be angry, but that any animal or sane person would love. As the government of the Asian giant will try to end the ivory trade in the country. By banning it as a part of a new national rule.

It’s necessary.
This measure its not only applauded by many but as well necessary. Since today the numbers are terrifying. As up to 20.000 to 30.000 elephants are killed yearly just for to get their ivory. This horrendous practice has decreased the savannah elephant population in a 30% in just 7 years. Leaving just 400.000 wild elephants in Africa, making them close to extinction.

The importance of this new law.
This law is fundamental as the main ivory market is Asia. Not only because it usually ends up being sold in that continent, but also because China is the leading consumer. Therefore the ban on the ivory sales by China is a truly significant move in order to keep elephants population and away from extinction.

Wildlife Conservation.
Aili Kang, Asia Director of the Wildlife Conservation Society wrote proudly: “This is great news that will shut down the world’s largest market for elephant ivory. I am very proud of my country for showing this leadership that will help ensure that elephants have a fighting chance to beat extinction.” Who would like to miss these adorable guys around?
