
There’s A New Game Called Sneaky Cards To Play With Strangers And It’s Amazing

Best Invention Ever

Entertainment has always been a fundamental, and much needed, part of life. It brings us more than joy and fun. As it also gives our brain a break from reality, that as we know sometimes is way too serious.

A way that has kept the humanity entertained through centuries have been cards game. Across the years they’ve evolved from simple to complex and betting games. But the concept of card games has been reinvented in the 21st century, as you can clearly see in games like “Cards against humanity.”


Sneaky Cards.

Since card games have evolved so much and due to the great success some games have like “Cards against Humanity” some great games are now being released. That’s how Sneaky Cards was born, without the obscure and politically incorrect jokes.

Image Credit: Sneaky Cards
Image Credit: Sneaky Cards

Why is the game so awesome?

As the official page of the game states. “Your mission, should you choose to accept it: become a secret agent of joy, spreading art and intrigue to an unsuspecting public.” A pretty cool mission. As you end up having, even more, friends, even worldwide, as you play it.

Image Credit: Sneaky Cards
Image Credit: Sneaky Cards

How does it work?

The game is played in a solo way but it is incredibly fun. As the game challenges you specified in a card, and forces you to interact socially with total strangers to complete it. Forcing you to get out of your comfort zone and your screens for a while.

Image Credit: Sneaky Cards
Image Credit: Sneaky Cards


Play it forward.

Once you complete your task. You then pass the card along to a stranger who then becomes part of the game. As it’s seen on the game’s official page  “The fun is ever-expanding, but it all starts with you – Play it forward!”

Image Credit: Sneaky Cards
Image Credit: Sneaky Cards

Cool drawings.

The cards feature as well as an objective some naive but amazing animations. Mosty, featuring a ninja, that it’s supposed to be you. To add a little extra joy to your secret mission of bringing awesomeness to a regular day, for you and for a stranger.

Image Credit: Sneaky Cards
Image Credit: Sneaky Cards

Tracking it down.

Once you spread joy and fun, as the creators of Sneaky Cards say. You can track down how far your card has gone with the particular code it has. So something a challenge you started in your local library or coffee shop can end up literally anywhere. From the other side of your country to a different continent.

Image Credit: Sneaky Cards
Image Credit: Sneaky Cards

The challenges.

The missions you have to face are not only incredibly variated but also fun and creative. As they make you do all kind of things. From simple stuff like take a selfie with a stranger, or open the door for a stranger to more complex ones like give an anonymous gift, become a flash mob of one or return someone’s lost thing.

Image Credit: Sneaky Cards
Image Credit: Sneaky Cards


Randomly awesome.

The card game has not only created buzz through social media and in people’s life. It has also generated new friends and experiences. As it adds that spectacular spontaneous and random touch to everyday life.

Image Credit: Sneaky Cards
Image Credit: Sneaky Cards

 Social media.

Literally, the game has spread like a disease, but a really good and cool one. As many have shared their experience through social media. And how in a way the game has improved their day and in occasions their lives.


Image Credit: Sneaky Cards
Image Credit: Sneaky Cards

You can get yours.

To star playing, you can do it two ways. Or you get a card from someone else or you can but yours in their official page. As well you can simply visit the page to track down the card you received or to find out more things about the game and the developers.


Image Credit: Sneaky Cards
Image Credit: Sneaky Cards


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