Everyone needs a break from time to time, so must people go to their local bar. After a long day, there’s nothing better than a beer and chatting with friends. But even if your favorite bar is a special place, there is an even cooler and better one now at D.C. As a Super Mario Bros themed bar has opened.
The Mario themed bar has opened as part of Washington D.C.’s cherry blossom bloom annual celebration. As the bars, that belong to The Drink Company, Southern Efficiency and Mockingbird Hill have teamed up creating an incredible “Japanese theme” decorations.

Japanese bloom
Both bars from the D.C.’s Shaw neighborhood have changed their aesthetics for the celebrations. As the Southern Efficiency has done a more classy move by creating a delicate blossom atmosphere. The guys from Mockingbird went for the video game idea.
They’ve even changed their name to the Cherry Blossom Pub, and have really done an incredible job. As they’ve turned every grown up into a child once again.
Level up
The Cherry Blossom Pub has done an amazing job remodeling the place. They took the Mario World and turned it into real life. They’ve put animatronic piranha plants, who come in and out, illuminated “?” boxes, hanging mushrooms and stars and even a Mario mural made of Legos above the bar.
But that’s not all as they even got the bartenders dressed as Mario and Luigi and even the drink names have changed. As now you can ask for a “It’s a Me, Mario”, “What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Smaller”, “I Call Yoshi!,” “Prepare for Destiny! Where’s My Pizza,” “Princess Is in Another Castle,” “Press Start-A,” “Flower Power,” and “King Koopa Cup.”

Koopa kingdom
The bar also takes you to the dark side of Mario’s world, since they have a King Koopa room to honor Bowser and Boo as well. Even though everything about the bar sounds awesome it does has an upside down: it’s only open until April 15th. That’s the reason why so many people are lining up to enter
That’s the reason why so many people are lining up to enter. As it’s reported that there are 2 hours waiting lines to get a taste of the Mario world, even in the most undesirable weather conditions.
The golden star idea
The idea came to the guys from The Drinking Company as Matt Fox said “we wanted to do is bring that feeling and that look into the bar. We also wanted to do something a little bit above and beyond that, something a little bit more special and fun.”
“We were sitting brainstorming about what else can we do along with the cherry tree, and thinking about what just speaks to us as Americans looking at Japan. Pretty much all of us grew up playing Nintendo and Super Nintendo and N64. We all grew up playing Mario. Everybody around the table, their eyes lit up and they were like, ‘Yes! This makes sense. This will be awesome. Let’s see where we can roll with that.'”
Source: Boredpanda.com