
This Guy Got Back At His Cat In The Most Hilarious Way [VIDEO]

The Cat’s Face Says Everything

Cats are the weirdest animals of all. There is nothing as complex, unexpected or misunderstood than a cat’s behavior. They’re even more complicated than women itself. Some of the things they do have a scientific backup, but the rest is just a plain mystery.

Every cat owner can assure you that cats are the weirdest of all animals.But if there’s something we know for sure is that cats sleep a lot, they seem to hate humans from time to time and they simply don’t care.

This guy got back at his cat in an unthinkable way:

It turns out the cat woke his owner up at 4 a.m every day and he decided enough was enough.

We will never sleep, cuz sleep is for the weak.

As any person that has a cat knows, these furry creatures have a fascination for sleeping. They love to do it all day long. But they also love waking  people up after midnight. Maybe is some biological thing we don’t understand, but maybe they’re just douchebags.

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Italics bold.

This kitten named Italics is no different than others. He loves sleeping, he even looks like Garfield. And according to his human Atlanta-based writer Nicholas Tecosky, hates that he does. He always meows until he wakes up, the only problem is he does this at 4 a.m. every single day. He really is up to bite the hand that feed him and doesn’t seem to care

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Meow for Vendetta?

Tired of his cat waking him up, and endless nights without a repairing and complete beauty sleep, Nicholas decided to give Italics a bit of his own medicine. And taped the revengeful stun, the video has reached  1 million views on youtube already. We knew that the similarity to Jackass’ Dave England wasn’t all coincidence.

Image Credit: IMDb
Image Credit: IMDb


Nervously smiling.

Even though we laughed a lot with the video. Especially with the awkward approach and faces the human does in the video. You can see that Nicholas is really pissed at Italics and that he really needs is sleep. For the safety of Italics, we expect that he is not doing another kind of mischievous things to his owner. Just imagine what might happen if the cat brakes a lamp or something, he might pass from V for Vendetta to WWE.

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