The message from the Oscar runner-up movie La La Land was to dream and do it big. As it seems that a 17-year old guy named Jacob Staudenmaier from Arizona took it literally and has put it into practice. Since his prom night is close, and he since has no date he decided to ask Emma Stone as his date for the night.
Because really who hasn’t dreamed of an oscar winner actress? Especially if it’s Emma Stone. But in order to do so, Jacob knew he had to do it big time. In order to get Stone’s attention and to get into a Hollywood level league.

In the Valley of The Sun
So what did Jacob did? Well pretty simple, he asked his friends to help him recreate the opening scene of La La Land. Which they did pretty well if you ask us, only that the traffic jam is at his school parking lot.
Also rearranging the song’s lyrics and turning it into Jacob’s invitation to Emma. Something he even recognized is pretty hard. Obviously, the incredible proposal has gone viral, and many of us hope Emma does go with him to prom. After all the effort he put into the video, he deserves it.
Movie scene
The incredible video came as a silly talk between friends. As Studenmaier said: “It started with the kind of crazy idea of saying, ‘Yeah, maybe I’ll go with Emma Stone to the prom’ I decided if I was going to do this, I really needed to do it big.”
Even though we all know the planning and time it probably took Jacob to do the video, rearrange lyrics and try to pull it as a casual last minute thing. As he sings: “I need a date to prom, I should have done it earlier (…) Jacob Staudenmaier is my name… Emma Stone if you came, I think I’d lose it, go insane.”
IM ASKING EMMA STONE TO PROM, and decided to recreate the opening scene from la la land @RyanGosling @LaLaLand @johnjayandrich #prom
— Jacob Staudenmaier (@upsettrout) April 4, 2017
Oscar-winning lyrics
Despite the whole invitation idea is incredible modifying “Another Day of Sun” and turning it into a viral invitation was really hard. Since even Jacob say while he sings that is “really hard to rhyme.”
But after all that he drops some incredible lines in his “In The Valley of The Sun.” Like for example “Please don’t let me down, it’ll be in your hometown.” Or our favorite “People say I look like Ryan Gosling and maybe that’s a bit far-fetched.” But despite his “good looks,” he knows he doesn’t sing like Gosling “I know my voice ain’t great, but please be my prom date, in the valley of the sun.”

Emma’s answer
