Animals are one of the best things in this world. Not only because they share this world with us. But also because they are awesome in many aspects. Like the way they look, the colors they have, the cute or badass they can be and so on.
Along with that we humans have a certain fascination for animals doing human things. Finding this one of the funniest things on earth. There is no real or logic reason why it’s just cute and funny. So to honor animals doing human things we are going to present you 10 pictures of animals that look like they’re gonna drop the hottest albums of the year.

10.A flock of penguins.
The epic synth group from the 80’s with the exuberant hairstyles. Also, and like many of those groups, they come from a distant and cold country. Like Sweden or something.

This group of horses is the copy of Hanson. Also, it seems pretty accurate that horses do bubblegum pop for a reason. It just seems right.

8.Solo sexy Kangaroo.
This guy looks like the new and hottest sensation of Australia. By releasing one of those albums that will sound at every party or club you go. Also, and most probably, he will become a sex symbol this picture will be hanged on the walls or lockers of all the girls you know.

7.Black horses society.
Besides revealing to us the origin of all the emo kid’s hairstyle. These horses look like a heavy post-hardcore emo band from a Scandinavian country.

6.The buffy group.
These little guys look like they are part of one of those boy bands who dressed up like rappers, were all buffy and do music popish hip hop. A group of Mark Wahlberg’s can sum it up maybe.

5.Straight out of Crumpton.
This group of doves genuinely seem badass. Also, it looks like if they’re going to release an epic and hardcore rap album. Talking about the life in the hood and the difficulties to get breadcrumbs.

4.The pet shop boys.
This group of home animals looks like one of those bands from a small town. That make it big in there and now are ready to take over the world.

This group of pandas is posing like a boy band and honestly, they would probably be the best in the world. They already have the cute factor. Besides if One Direction did it how hard could it be?

2.Intense kitten.
Even though cats are pretty odd and tend to look at the infinite in a very intense and deep way. This kitten seems to be releasing the most emotional, tearful and heartbroken soul or R&B album. To the point, it can take the place of Drake.

1.No evil monkey.
This baboon looks like if he is going to release the most incredible rap album of the century. With the epic pose and the black background, it looks like one of those albums full of intense reflective lyrics.
