Aww, a heartwarming story coming up! Well, the sweetest and funny confusion of a grandma ended up warming our hearts. Remember the sweet grandma who texted a number sending the invitation for Thanksgiving dinner? Well, it happened.
Jamal Hinton and Wanda, the sweetest grandma ever, got together for dinner, and it’s just lovely. Jamal drove to Arizona to meet her and the moment was recorded for history.
So, this happened.
And we all melt when we read the grandma’s reply to the message.Wanda had to change her phone number after receiving a huge amount of texts from people excited about what had happened.
And just when we thought that was it…
So, the two new buddies kept in touch and Jamal decided to text Wanda the day previous to the holiday and ask her about that Thanksgiving dinner. And for his surprise, she invited him. And they met!
Such a great moment.
And Wanda’s granddaughter recorded the moment for posterity.
The most anticipated #Thanksgiving dinner of the year! #canIgetaplate #grandmaWanda #abc15
— Nohelani Graf (@NoheG) November 25, 2016
Sharing a selfie.
The new honorary grandma and grandson shared a picture of their meeting, and it got over 160k likes. Lovely, such a kind heart! Let’s hope they do this a tradition.
So this just happened
— Certo Nego (@RonaldDoee) November 25, 2016