Now, we know how stereotypical is the man who struggles with sexual problems like the famous erectile dysfunction or the quick draw at the moment of the orgasms. However, studies show that more often than not, it is women who feel sexually frustrated at the end of the intercourse.
A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that sexually active females between ages 21 to 65 reach orgasms at an average of 63%, while men reach them 85% of the time. On top of that, one out of eight women younger than 21 claims to have at least one problem in bed. What about men? Well, it’s closer to a ratio of 1 to 10.

The study is trying to tell us that many women experience a series of psychological problems when it comes to reaching climax. Not only that but these mental obstacles work as an erectile dysfunction equivalent for the ladies, making them not able to perform in some situations, whenever stress or anxiety is occupating their minds. Instead, for younger but sexually active people the cause of this issue can be a lack of understanding on how to stimulate themselves in those situations.
According to The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada, Anorgasmia is the “inability to reach orgasm”, and it is believed to occur in at least 10% of women. Part of the myth that surrounds the female orgasm comes from thinking that it is always a great experience. An orgasm that doesn’t culminate leaves some women in an aroused state that proceeds to be a nervous experience. In fact, and for the surprise of lots of males, women don’t always need to achieve orgasm to enjoy sex. The closeness and intimacy of the act make up for it.
Another complain men usually have, is how long foreplay takes because they think it is not necessary to start stimulating each other. Well, only a third of women reach the orgasm through intercourse, with no need for other kinds of sexual stimulation. The rest, 66%, needs more creative ways to achieve stimulation.

So, to all couples out there, it is important that you talk to your partner about these issues. Don’t fake orgasms, but try instead to communicate with your companion. Tell them what makes you comfortable and what doesn’t. All women get their moment of climax in different manners, and many of the myths around the female orgasm still exist. It’s not always about bad partners in bed or “frigid” women.
Sometimes, when people say there’s no chemistry in bed, it means that partners are not achieving sexual satisfaction. Whatever the reason is, a little bit of sexual education and awareness about the preferences of your loved one might set the bed for a long and healthy relationship. In any case, try to relax and not think too much about it. After all, it is about having a good time. Enjoy the ride as well as the destination!
Source: Wiley