
Watch A Tiger Saving Zookeeper From a Leopard Attack

It Most Be Pretty Nice To Have A Tiger Watching Your Back From Leopards

Wild animals, you could try and pet them, give them your love and appreciation always since they are born. But the truth is they are not just pets. These animals could attack when less expected because it is part of their nature. You can’t separate an animal from its instincts. They simply do as they know. But despite this matter, some people insist in taming wild animals. Eduardo Serio is one of those.

Image Credit: Pickle

Eduardo Serio rescues what he calls “big cats”: jaguars, lions, and tigers that range in age from newborns to adults. He established The Black Jaguar White Tiger Foundation (BJWT) in 2003, which has now become Hollywood’s Favorite Sham Petting Zoo. As a matter of fact, a lot of celebrities go there to take selfies with baby lions – most recently, the Kardashians-.

But not even Eduardo can escape from the nature that his big cats possess within. Here is a video of him at the verge of what could have been a fatal encounter with nature.

Source: 9GAG



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