Humor is one of the best things in life. It lets you get over some of the hardest situations in life with a smile on your face. Also, it allows you to say some of the most horrible truths in a sugar coated way. As well as some very inner thoughts that are mainly incorrect. For example, what many people think about Trump’s racist campaign.
In the other side, humor is a very subjective thing. Some people like to toilette humor, others sexual things and some a very more refined and thought kind of jokes. But there are people that really don’t care about anything at all and love making fun about really just everything.They laugh about tragedy, religion, everything is allowed. They don’t care who’s feelings get hurt over the course. So here we leave you, especially for those with that messed up humor, 10 cartoons from 3 different artists full of dark humor. They might make you feel related or help you get through the week.
So here we leave you, especially for those with that messed up humor, ten cartoons from 3 different artists full of dark humor. They might make you feel related or help you get through the week.
10.Do you need help?
Well, that’s what Illustrator and book author Gypsie Raleigh thinks. We all need somebody to saves us from time to time. It sucks when they don’t really want to do it.

9.The eternal question.
Who thought Humpty Dumpty could be so existentialist and intense. Some real daddy issues in there.

8.Unfortunate cookie.
Joker cartoonist Mr. Lovenstine, aka J. L. Westover, loves the irony of daily occasions. Like this. She wasn’t for you man, you just weren’t meant to be.

Even the infinite void of nothing and despair like darkness hates you. You need to start considerating some desitions in your life.

6.Some for the politically correct to dislike.
You can’t please everyone, that’s what PC people will never understand. Also can we consider this cartoon racist?

The most horrible part of this comic is that too many people feel related to it.

4.We all have that one friend…
The Icelandic artist Hugleikur Dagsson is a master of the dark side. So, not feeling the darkness yet?

3.Stairways to hell.
God hates handicaps apparently.

2.Reality sucks.
It really does.

1.Don’t cry, it was all a joke.
On day, we will all be laughing off this.
