Family is that fundamental thing that really everyone has. You might stand them or not, have a good relationship or even not know them. But you know that you come from somewhere, you didn’t simply pop up. So, imagine how odd would it be to find out you have a 19-year-old brother overnight that was put up for adoption!

New brother.
On March 4 Jazmin, a 24-years-old girl from North Carolina, was watching the Duke vs North Carolina basketball game. When out of sudden Jazmin’s step mom decided to look for the son Jibril on Google, spelling his name differently and adding “Texas” where she knew he was living.
Who is Jibril and why they were looking for him? Well, he is the son that Jazmin’s dad and step mom gave up for adoption 19 years ago. After looking and trying different options Jibril’s face popped up to what they all shock.
I be waking up and thinking like damn….we really found our brother through twitter lol
— Jazmin (@HerDreadsRock) March 9, 2017
The power of social media.
The moment was something taken out of a movie. As Jazmin describes: “After 19 years, she was looking at her first born. She instantly started crying and reached out to my sister [Taianna] and told her she had found him. [Then] my sister started crying and freaking out.”
Taianna logically found out that Jibril had Twitter and sent him a message saying: “Hi Jibril, my name is Taianna and I live in North Carolina and I think you are my older brother. Would you be open to talking to me?” Jibril replied, and asked Taianna for her parents’ first names. Since this was the only thing he knew about his biological parents.
So we just met my brother for the first time today after waiting for 19 years! 🙌🏽 #adoptionstorywithahappyending
— Jazmin (@HerDreadsRock) March 13, 2017
A whole new family in just seconds.
When the names matched Jibril went crazy. Then they exchanged numbers and started meeting each other over FaceTime. When Jibril told his adoptive parents about it, they were as excited as him, since they knew how important this was for him.
Jibril said: “I found out about this side of my family when I was 17 and I would tell myself all the time that I wanted to meet them one day, and I knew when the day came I would be so emotional and happy,” he said. It was a life changing moment. My [adoptive] parents were so happy I couldn’t stop them crying when I told them because they knew how important this was to me.”

A flight to North Carolina.
On Sunday Jibril flew to North Carolina to meet the whole bunch and to recover the time lost. The whole thing is on video and posted on Twitter.
Jazmin family will visit Jibril in Texas, but they’ll have to plan it first in order for him to meet any other family member and to know more from one another. Also, they’re enjoying the adorable and overwhelming moment for now.
Surprised my little brother after 19 years 🙌🏼🙏🏼❤😭
— Me (@King23Hardy) March 13, 2017