
American Girl Will Release Its First Boy Doll And It’s Kind Of A Big Deal

Logan Will Be Released Very Soon

Toys are really something special. Not only they represent some of our most beloved characters. Also, the toys introduce us to new amazing characters along with their incredible adventures.

Furthermore, the toys grow with us. Since they feed our imagination as we explore the world with them. Creating not impressive moments and memories. Do we need to remind you the three movies of Toy Story and their teachings?


It’s a boy.

For many years now, one of the most popular toys worldwide has been the “American Girl.”But this year seems to be one of the most active and busy ones for the company. Besides the fact that they will release a new set of dolls. This year “American Girl,” have a special surprise for both parents and kids with a total game changer for them.

The brand will have for the first time ever a boy in their collection. This is a big innovation for the brand, all of this as an add on of a very diverse collection. His name is Logan Everett, a boy who loves music and drumming. As he enjoys playing with his friend Tenney Grant, who signs in their natal Nashville Tennessee. Both dolls will be available on Thursday.

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Boy on demand.

The director of public relations of “American Girl,”Julie Parks stated that the company develops their series taking on consideration the feedback from both parents and kids. As they’re constantly asking for characters with “more experiences, more diversity, more interests.”

So that is one of the many reasons Logan has been added to the series. Since he not only is the first 18-inch boy doll he also has a fun storyline and dynamic personality. Park also said: “Adding a boy to our lineup has been a number one request for a very, very, very long time.”

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The 2017 collection.

Along Tenney and Logan, the 2017 collection includes Gabriela McBride, “American Girl’s Girl of the Year” doll, who was released the 1st of January. Who loves and communicates through poetry, something that helped her with her stutter. But “American Girl” has even bigger plans for this year.

Since in April, they plan to release a doll version of Z Yang, a Korean-American character known on American Girl’s YouTube channel. For fall they will release a historical Hawaiian character named Nanea, whose storyline is set during World War II. Finally, they will have a fans favorite, as they will reintroduce Felicity from the Revolutionary War period.

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