The 2016 presidential election seems to be a two-party race between Donald Trump for the Republicans and Hillary Clinton for the Democrats. However, since January 2016, some voters have been keeping an eye on the Libertarian Nominee Gary Johnson. After being ejected from almost all the Republican Party presidential debates on 2011, he tried for the Libertarian nomination and stayed there ever since. Back then, he won 0.99% of the popular vote, which was far much better than all the minor candidate’s combines.
But it’s not his political career what has everyone interested in him, but rather the facts that surround him. His use of marijuana, his climbing addiction, or even if he’s a Lutheran. With his peace sign shirts and lectures about pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage and almost pro-anything liberal, we present some of the most noticeable facts about Mr. Johnson.

1. He’s not only pro-legalization of marijuana, but an ex-consumer, and former CEO of a Marijuana company.
After his paragliding accident in 2005 that made him almost two inches short, he started consuming medicinal weed as a pain control and then continued using it for three years. Johnson states that he has stopped consuming and that he will not carry on if he does become the president. He also was the CEO of Cannabis Sativa Inc., a company that seeks to brand high-quality legal cannabis products.
“I am the highest-ranking official in the United States to call for the legalization of marijuana. Now Bernie Sanders is in office, so I did this in office. Bernie Sanders has also come out in favor of marijuana — I’m glad that he’s done that, but I’ve been there since 1999, Bernie recently. Again, [I’m] very grateful for Bernie and him adding his voice to this, but, yes, we should legalize marijuana,” said Gary Johnson, in an interview with International Business Times.
2. His out of the ordinary plan for funding his campaign.
Most candidates would think of raising money with rallies for the poor, or marathons against a disease. But how Johnson is asking for donations is somewhat quirky, to say the least. In 2012 the candidate was asking people to fill an empty cup of coffee with spare change, giving a choice between paying for a bus ticket or supporting a presidential nominee.

3. He’s a climbed all of the seven summits of the world, including the Everest.
One thing we know for sure is his love for tests of endurance. He was invited not only once but three times as a celebrity and contestant in the Ironman World Championship. During his time as governor of New Mexico, he competed in several sporting events, such as triathlons and bike races. And if that wasn’t enough, he has climbed the seven summits: Mount Everest, Mount Elbrus, Denali, Mount Kilimanjaro, Aconcagua, Mount Vinson, and the Carstensz Pyramid.

4. He’s been engaged for seven years to this day.
After the death of his ex-wife and first lady of New Mexico, he met her new love at a bike race in Santa Fe. Her name is Kate Prusack, a real estate agent. But what is more curious is the outcome of their first date, on which Johnson gave her a copy of the novel Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Rad, claiming that she needed to read it if she wanted to understand him.
They have been engaged since 2009. The reason for not marrying is, according to Prusack, “My fiance’s always on the road”.

5. He suffers from Celiac Disease and has talked numerous times about it.
His political career has been filled with awareness against diseases. While working as the governor of New Mexico, his ex-wife, married at the time, was involved in breast cancer campaigns.
On the 2016 race for the presidency, he has claimed numerous times about how the importance of gluten-free food. He has even bashed Ted Cruz about the issue on Twitter, claiming “Ted Cruz will not serve gluten free meals in the military. I have celiac disease. Ted Cruz is out to lunch.”