Thousands of women took to the streets of the United States over the weekend for the Women’s March. To express their thoughts, demanding equality and the extinction of discrimination.
Accompanying the march, there were different Hollywood stars. Including Viola Davis, Natalie Portman, Drew Barrymore, Eva Longoria and Amy Schumer. They marched after a year since first demonstrations began shocking the world. From what began as a case with producer Harvey Weinstein, became a snowball. It ran and became larger and next to this, the case of victims who went through different types of sexual harassment by influential figures.
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Scarlett Johansson taking things in hand
Scarlett Johansson called out James Franco after recent events. The actor, who supports the beginning booming movement Time’s Up has been accused of sexual harassment by five women. Among them, the actress Violet Play. As he later published Los Angeles Times, abusing his power as a teacher of interpretation and mentor. Furthermore, he allegedly abused them sexually.
Scarlett Johansson delivered a powerful speech at the women’s march. She criticized the hypocrisy of those who publicly claim to support equality. But privately behave in ways contrary to that.
“How could a person publicly support an organization that helps support victims of sexual assault while taking private advantage of people who do not have power?”
The actress also emphatically highlighted “By the way, I want my pin back”. In relation to the symbol that is worn as a pin. Used in support of the movement. James Franco was seen at The Golden Globes using it.
Many actresses went through this terrible situation
Scarlett Johansson told how she was also the victim of the abuse of power when she began her career as an actress. “I was 19 years old. I began to remember all the men who had taken advantage of the fact that I was a young woman. Who still did not have the tools to say no or the conscience about the value of my own worth.”
“I had many personal and professional relationships where the power dynamic was so unpleasant. I had to create a speech about how I was the cool girl who could hang out. That sometimes meant compromising what made me feel good,” continued Johansson.