I’m sure many of us would love to have our favorite celebrities as our best friends. This comes with a lot of benefits, you get to attend to the most glamorous events and know all kinds of A-List people. Well, dreaming about this fabulous life wasn’t enough for this guy who decided to Photoshop himself into famous people pictures.
Now, you obviously imagine he added his picture into the most awesome situations like the Grammy’s or some Hollywood party, but he didn’t. Average Rob put himself into everyday’s life of a bunch of famous people. Yes, he seems to be their best friend but what he got into doesn’t look fun to me.
Take a look at Rob’s best famous lifestyle pictures:
10. Getting left out of the F.R.I.E.N.D.S group.
He was actually waiting for them to hang out at The Central Perk but the guys decided to have a photoshoot without him instead.

9. Hanging out with Eminem.
What’s the point of going out with Slim Shady if you’re going to fall asleep as soon as you leave the house?

8. Group hug with Brangelina.
I heard he had to pick a side during the separation. Why can he be friends with both?

7. Doing Trump’s housework.
Donald told him they were having some drinks but he actually had other plans.

6. Although hanging out with Hillary doesn’t seem to be much better.
A little inappropriate for the Secretary of State don’t you think?

5. Getting left out again.
This time with some of the greatest soccer players of history.

4. Running J-Law’s photoshoot.
On his defense, that’s what we all wanna do when we see a pool.

3. Stepping upon a Lego.
Taylor Swift with her messy life making people suffer, as usual.

2. Being ignored by Selena Gomez.
C’mon Selena, he ran out of paper. I hope this happens to you sometime and Average Rob won’t be there to help you.

1. Cleaning Bo’s poop.
Michelle warned him not to feed him with human candy but Rob didn’t care.
