‘Stranger Things’ actor Finn Wolfhard fired his agent, Tyler Grasham, following sexual assault claims came to light. Disney’s star Cameron Boyce also fired Grasham.
Sexual assault claims came to light on Monday. Former child star Blaise Godbe Lipman and film editor Lucas Ozarowski accused Grasham of predatory behavior.
Yet, another sexual offender
Sexual misconduct accusations continue to come to light in Hollywood almost two weeks after the Harvey Weinstein scandal ignited the industry over this important issue.
Last Monday, allegations against agent Tyler Grasham came to light. Two former clients posted on social media they were abused by Grasham.
Actor Blaise Bodge Lipman accused the agent of trying to get him drunk when he was 17 during a meeting to discuss his career. While film editor Lucas Ozarowski alleged Grasham groped him in January last year.
Grasham has worked as an agent in APA since 2005. Following the accusations, the company ran an investigation and fired him.
“Tyler Grasham’s employment with APA has been terminated, effective immediately,” Manfred Westphal, head of communications for APA.
On Friday, actor Finn Wolfhard fired Grasham and parted ways with the agency. Wolfhard is considered the it boy of Hollywood, starring in ‘Stranger Things‘ and the summer hit ‘It.’
Wolfhard wasn’t the only one to take actions. Disney‘s ‘Descendants’ actor, Cameron Boyce, also fired Grasham and his future in the agency remains to be seen.

Calling out for a change in the industry
Allegations against Grasham came to light on Monday, when actor and filmmaker Blaise Bodge Lipman joined the #MeToo movement to share his story of assault.
Lipman explained that when he was 17 a “prominent agent in the APA firm,” tried to get him drunk during a meeting to discuss working together.
Originally, Lipman didn’t reveal the name of the agent. However, he decided to do so after he reportedly received a “poke” on Facebook from Grasham after coming forward with the story. So, he penned a follow-up social media post touting Grasham as the assaulter.
“The industry protects its own. That is an undeniable fact,” Lipman wrote. He goes on saying Lipman’s predatory behavior, just like Weinstein’s, was no secret.
“Although his power in this biz is nowhere near Weinstein level, the collective power of agents is massive,” he continues.
“I hope the light that’s shed by the newly empowered victims who are coming forward, makes predators think twice. Change is slow but I hope this is a big jump start.”
While Lipman hopes the aftermath of all these scandals will lead to positive changes in the industry, he calls out to people to see the larger picture.
“Remember,” he wrote, “the Grashams and Weinsteins are a small component of the problem. Don’t forget for one second who we have in the White House.”
Taking real action on the issue
A number of famous men have taken to social media in recent weeks to condemn Weinstein and his actions. There’s also a handful of them who have put their careers or ability to generate profit on the line in the name of doing the right thing.
Actor Channing Tatum is one of them. He had already condemned Weinstein’s behavior but he took to social media to made clear where he stands. Announcing he will no longer work with the Weinstein company.
“The brave women who had the courage to stand up and speak their truth about Harvey Weinstein are true heroes to us. They are lifting the heavy bricks to build the equitable world we all deserve to live in,” he wrote regarding the over 40 women that have accused Weinstein.
“Our lone project in development with TWC— Matthew Quick’s brilliant book, Forgive Me Leonard Peacock— is a story about a boy whose life was torn asunder by sexual abuse.”
“While we will no longer develop it or anything else that is the property of TWC. We are reminded of its powerful message of healing in the wake of tragedy.”
“This is a giant opportunity for real positive change that we proudly commit ourselves to,” he added.
Tatum ends his post with hope for the future and a call to action. “The truth is out— let’s finish what our incredible colleagues started and eliminate abuse from our creative culture once and for all.”
Bad News For The Weinstein Company
Actor Kevin Smith previously made a similar move when he announced that he’s donating all future residuals from The Weinstein Company. It produced some of his hits, to Women in Film, a nonprofit dedicated to advancing the careers of women in the entertainment industry.
Smith broke the news on his podcast ‘Hollywood Babble-on’ in the wake of the Weinstein’s scandal.
Now, joining Smith and Tatum is 14-year-old actor Finn Wolfhard who was praised on social media. For knowing exactly how to face this situation and putting his principles ahead of his career.
The Stranger Things kids are truly the change we wish to see in the world. https://t.co/VoPvG3iBmp
— Jamie K. White (@jamiekCNN) October 21, 2017
When a fourteen year old knows what's the right thing to do.
Adulting is overrated. https://t.co/7L2BV7prUR
— richa singh (@richa_singh) October 21, 2017
This has made me teary. The industry is changing. He is 14. ❤️ https://t.co/GImokldkd7
— Milly Thomas 🌈 (@missmillythomas) October 21, 2017
Source: Her