Bill Nye, best known as The Science Guy has made learning science cool and easier. Here are some memes to show this awesome guy knows it all!
1. He’s really passionate about science and loves teaching about it

2. He makes you wonder about deep issues

3. He has a unique style

4. And sure knows how to call the attention toward knowledge

5. And how to say some awkward trues

6. “Engage science” that’s it

7. If you have no scientific arguments, then maybe you shouldn’t argue with this guy

8. Can you imagine this movie with Bill Nye?

9. This must be a typical joke between these two.

10. Fact: Maybe we don’t have Santa or the Easter Bunny but we still have The Science Guy

11. A lot of conversations must end like this

12. Haha. Say no more.

13. Wise words.

14. One more time, please.

15. Of course, he can dance!

16. Who do you think you’re talking to?

17. This would be an interesting plot twist

18. Enough said

19. Of course.

20. So, the situation is under control.

21. He needs no argument, he’s the argument.

22. Yep.

23. Uncle Bill

24. The Dark Nye.
