Nicolas Cage is one of our ultimate favorites. He’s funny, smart and handsome. But what could be better than face swapping his face with all kinds of people?
We give you the 31 ridiculously funny Nicolas Cage face swaps. You’ll laugh your guts out.
1. This is so unbelievably funny.

2. Einstein Nic is life.

3. Indian Nic is too.

4. This made me laugh so hard.

5. Oh, ok.

6. I’m ROFLing.

7. The CAGE of galactus!!! (LOL, get it?)

8. Nicolas Granger.

9. I can’t even.

10. FML this is too much.

11. Nicolas Chavez (This makes me want to puke a little bit).

12. LSFHTMSFOAILMT (Laughing so f*cking hard that my sombrero fell off and I lost my taco)

13. Nice mustache, Nicolas.

14. Walt Nicolas.

15. LOL, Justin Cage.

16. *Laughing to tears*

17. I want to have this in my living room.

18. Bold Nicolas.

19. He looks good as a rock star, doesn’t he?

20. Ok, this is definitely my favorite.

21. Avatar Nicolas is life as well.

22. That face tho..

23. Fluffy Nicolas (LOL).

24.We’ve got another bold Cage.

25. I’ve got mixed feelings about this one.

26. Run, Nic.

27. That face is not accurate to the character, and that makes it funnier.

28. What’s your talent?

29. He looks kind of taller.

30. Lord of the Cages.

31. This is the guy that directed Mulholland Drive? Nahh.

Source: Hypervocal