Growing up with siblings is hard, especially when it comes to arguments. Things can get a little wild sometimes, and we all know that involving parents isn’t always a good idea.
Here are 20 posts about siblings that will make you go: Well, that’s accurate.
20. When they try to make you feel bad.
You are just on another level.

19. It becomes unfair at times.
But who’s getting on who’s nerves?

18. Trying to be a nice sibling.
It isn’t worth it.

17. When they don’t get, you are in charge.
You are the oldest and most mature after mom.

16. When you get caught.
Blackmailing is always a good idea.

15. You don’t wanna mess with your parents.
*slowly leaves the room*

14. When you aren’t good at sports and this happens.
Prepare, you are going down.
I need a feature-length film of this Vine:
— Sam Stryker (@sbstryker) 21 de noviembre de 2016
13. Typically gross.
They don’t know him.

12. Why do they keep doing it?
Just shut up.

11. When games get a little rough.
Hoping mom and dad won’t find out.

10. Little ones don’t get it.
It was so easy, almost made it.

9. The time you can sit and enjoy the show.
Because they do it too.

8. When they try to take what is yours.
Oh no, you didn’t.

7. When betrayal happens.
To parents: you better be on my side.

6. This used to be all of us.
Just classic.

5. You have to mark your food.
But we all know this doesn’t actually work.

4. Going trough you older’s sister clothes like.
That’s when you need to be extremely careful.

3. You know I was telling the truth.
Remember post 5?

2. This is the best feeling.
Keep blaming them. This is what satisfaction is all about.

1. When you are forced to make peace.
I’m not feeling it.
When you and your sibling fight and your mom tells you to apologize get along
— Kaili Fox (@kailicf) 11 de noviembre de 2016
But at the end, we love them, don’t we?