1. Nobody likes a pretentious prick (with you Draco)

2.”Alohomora” is a Sidiki word from West Africa which means “favorable for thieves.”
3. Men and women CAN be friends.

4. Animals are sometimes (and often) better company.

5. A lot can come from small experiences, for example, J.K. Rowling invented quidditch after a fight with her boyfriend.

6. Friends save you from your trouble but best friends will get in trouble with you.

7. Confidence is not the same thing as bravery.

8. Sometimes we have to face our own battles alone.

9. You should never let anyone get the best of you.
10. There’s more to others than meet the eye.

11. With age comes wisdom.

12. Never take people who love you for granted.

13. With age comes attractiveness (or unattractiveness).

14. The power of love is stronger than the power of hatred.

15. Sometimes our enemies turn out to be our friends in disguise.

16. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.

17. Magic exists, even for us Muggles

18. Adolescent dances are terrible.

19. There’s always some mysterious force working in our favor (or to our disadvantage).

20. You can always change your future.
