Ugh, i love the internet and funny posts.
Whether you’re feeling down or not, these pictures will make you laugh and cry, and definitely feel better. The internet provides us with so many things, sometimes good news, others bad news but today you’ll have a share of joy.
In the pictures, you can see hilarious things such as dogs and people who are simply way too funny. There are a couple that will melt your heart. Enjoy!
15. This bad joke.
I hope you laughed.
14. This incredible and terrific news!
Shout out to the world!
13. This is cute and funny at the same time.
All that trouble to feed the squirrels.
12. Aww, simply adorable!
She can’t wait.
11. Beating the odds!
Oopsie Dr. Vet, but that’s what you get.
10. Best review ever!
Lol, adorable.
9. So sweet.
This is too much.
8. This bird in a bee costume.
Such a cutie.
7. When your grandpa helps you to get the ultimate goal.
Lol, gotta make an extra effort to keep that legacy alive.
6. This cute fawn who thinks is a dog.
That’s what i call team spirit.
5. This mom who had the best idea ever.
I’d like to know how that ended.
4. Poor guy, but everyone’s been there.
I hear ya Hus.
3. Poor dog!
Damn, he looks like a funny rat, poor thing.
2. This is too much.
That’s what commitment looks like.
1. He must have had the biggest smile!
Such a generous thing to do.