It’s no secret that a girl’s greatest love is her father. It’s an unmatched bond that will endure for the rest of their lives. Studies have shown that girls relationship with their fathers are directly related to the way the evolve, as to how they manage stress, social interactions, intimate relationships. Self-esteem is also conditioned.

It is so very important for a girl to have a paternal figure that’ll make her comfortable and secure, so we have brought to you 14 illustrations that portray the best father-daughter moments.
No matter how hard it might be for him, he’ll do everything to make us happy – although we know hair styling is not his best attribute.

Daddy protects us even while we sleep, he’ll scare away monsters and nightmares.

Princesses thrones are very similar to daddy’s shoulders, and he’ll always make us feel like royalty.

Ain’t no pillow more comfortable than daddy’s big belly.

Size will not get into his way of caring for his little girl. Big daddies hearts are as big as they are.

Daddy will always make time for his little princess.

And he’ll go from comfy pillow to puppeteer without hesitating.

He’ll always let us win, even if we cheat, just to make us feel special.

And he’ll do the silliest things for us.

He’ll always be the support that we need and he’ll do everything to make us feel like we are on top of the world.

Daddy will even become mother nature if we ask him to.

And he will never be afraid of looking foolish.

Daddy will ALWAYS put us first, no matter what that implies.

That’s why a father means so much to his daughter, and why we could never let them go.
