
Learn The Meaning Behind The Meme: Shia LaBeouf And He Will Not Divide Us [VIDEO]

Shia LaBeouf Is Freaking Weird

The internet is such a dazzling and weird place. Where truly nonsense is the king. Inside this nonsense are the memes. That makes us laugh and make fun of daily life, as they’re absurd as true. Since this world is pretty illogic, as the internet portraits and shows us several times.

As memes have grown and popularized many have been born and are one of the rulers of the web. Due to the fact that our world is getting more and more absurd. Between those online kings in the meme world, there is Shia LaBeouf. Who has grown up to be… let’s call it “a particular personality.”

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Behind The Meme.

Memes are so important in modern times. A channel called Behind The Meme has taken the necessary and appreciated job of explaining the story behind every meme.This time, and after many requests, he posted a video about Shia LaBeouf.

Since the man is practically a living meme and has become one of the weirdest persons on earth. It seemed something really necessary. As Shia doesn’t represent only one joke but many.

When it all started.

In the video Behind The Meme explains how we met Shia and how he has grown. From his early days at Disney’s Even Stevens to some of the movies, he has done. Like Transformers and Indiana Jones And The Crystal Skull.

Then it went to the starting point. When Shia LaBeouf starts hitting adulthood and decided to grow a rat-tail. Then he recorded the infamous motivational video of “Just Do It,” and since he did it on a green screen… well the internet did the rest.

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Performance artist.

After Shia’s motivational speech went viral, tergiversated and edited thousands of times. He started doing even weirder things. Since he became a “performance artist.” First wearing a paper bag on his head, that had written all over “I’m not Famous Anymore,” on the red carpet.

Or the time he decided to sit in a room without saying a single word. As people could pass by after grabbing a random object that was set over a table. As well there is the time he decided to watch all his movies in chronological order, in a loop and live stream the whole thing.

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He will not divide us.

Finally the most recent and maybe weirdest of all Shia LaBeouf’s art pieces. Since Trump won the presidency it has generated a lot of discontent in the U.S. and Shia is one of those upset about it. As he decided to place a camera outside a New York Museum and live streaming people, and himself, saying “He Will Not Divide Us” as a protest against Trump’s xenophobic and racist speech. All of this in a very creepy and zombie way.

The live stream is set to last the 4 years of Trump’s presidency. But as any performance artists, it has generated controversy between many. To the point that Shia has become aggressive towards some that had tried to sabotage his “manifestation” ending up in him being jailed.

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