Food without a doubt is one of the best things in life. It’s not only something we need to stay alive (never saw that one coming), but it’s also one of the finest pleasures. Through food we make a day or situation especial, we show how we care about one or we use as a treat to feel relieved. It’s something that we love, particular dishes or even flavors.
In our culture, food is not only an essential part of daily life but as well an entertainer. Not only by being a protagonist in especial dates or moments, it’s also the entertaining object itself. Just look at what the Spaniards do with “La Tomatina” in Valencia where they have a giant tomato war. In the U.S, culture food fights are common as well, and even though our moms always say to us not to play with it; we must say it’s incredibly fun. Well in a way this is what this bored guys decided to do with their Taco Bell leftovers.
Taco attack.
This video features a guy being hit by a variety of Taco Bell’s menu, and you thought becoming viral was hard. It seems to be easier than many have ever expected. The internet is a weird place. The viral video was created by a YouTuber, and target guy, Jake Roper.

Too hot.
The video is a piece of art, in its own way. despite the fact that is very funny to see this guy getting hit in the face we are really concerned by him. Not because he accepted to do this, but because why of all food, would you pick Mexican? Do all of those dishes thrown at him had spice in them? if that is the case we are sorry for this guys eyes.
No way José.
We can but to wonder if this is what these guys do when they’re bored, WTF do they do in their spare time for fun? Despite all of that the part when they throw the Baja Blast has a really beautiful aesthetic that would make any film student go mad.

Since this video leaves us with more questions than answers the most important one that we make is: What’s the need to waste all that delicious Mexican food. Tacos are such a pure and delicious plate.