Deadlines, such a terrifying, anticipating word that can either get us to work or allows to procrastinate for a while.
1. A simple true spoken

2. That’s the attitude! Ain’t no one gonna kill ma vibe!

3. Tell me more

4. So lucky!!

5. If Ned Stark says it, then it must be true.

6. It’d be awesome to watch someone doing this!

7. Let’s act like if we actually care about the deadline…

8. This makes two of us

9. Motivation? Please, what I need is adrenaline

10. Gosh! That was today?

11. My sentiments exactly

12. HAHAHA what a terrible situation. “It’s ok Sir, I wasn’t thinking about leaving early today anyways…”

13. Graphic description

14. I can easily imagine many teachers doing this

15. A little incentive. Thanks, Ryan!

16. Denial at its best

17. Those who can actually say: I did it!

18. Every time

19. Look beyond…
