Adulthood is one of the life’s most important phase. Since it’s when we have supposedly achieved our goals in life and are established. With a steady job, a family, a house and all those fundamental things of adult life.
But as we grow up we figure out that adulthood is really something absurd. As even though we are 30 or so we are still kids trying to figure it all out. Also, as we panic due to the expectations that everybody and even ourselves have from time to time about our adulthood. Here it’s dutch artist Marloes De Vries to hold our hands and let us know that we are not alone.

5. Procrastinating.
When you grow up you have a lot of responsibilities. That sometimes are overwhelming. But as they really stress us out and drive us to the limit from time to time we develop some really impressive procrastinating skills.our
Like deciding to watch a complete series the night before a deadline of our job or college. Because it seems the most reasonable thing to do for a reason.

4. Old school.
In previous generations to grow up, have a job and built a family was really the highest priorities in life. But as our generations have arrived with our different vision of life things have changed.
As most of our parents by the time they were our age had most of it figure it out. Or at least were on track to achieve it. In the other hand, most of still can’t decide what we are going to have for dinner while we watch TV.

3. This is growing up.
One of the hardest parts of growing up and turn into an adult is facing maturity. Especially when our friends start reaching it before us. As their priorities change turning them on something we don’t know. Due to the fact that in a way they become their/our parents.
All of this since the start doing things we never though they or we will do, and that certainly we don’t feel ready to face. Like buying a house, having kids and so on.

2.Real life.
The main problem with adulthood is that we have to face real life. But real life problems really suck. As we have to do bureaucratic processes, pay bills of things we never thought that are supposed to be paid, do laundry, picking up groceries and more.
Since we have never seen this before and truly is overwhelming, we just want to escape from all of it. Also, this makes us value more our parents. As they did it for most of our lives and made it look easier than it is.

1.I’ve no clue of what I’m doing.
So even though there are new responsibilities and real life problems to face, and a bunch of people that reminds us. Anyone has really no clue of what they’re doing.
Due to the fact that life doesn’t have a manual and everybody is trying to pull it out in the best way they can.
