Having fun is relative, and everyone has their definition of fun. Generally, it’s all about laying back and letting go of the tiresome activities you go through the week. One of the best casual and fun activities you can do is smoking cannabis.
That doesn’t mean it’s the only thing you can do; there are several other alternatives that you can do for fun. They need to match up with what you will get when you smoke cannabis, of course. Here are some alternative lists of fun and casual things you can do other than smoking cannabis.
When you want to get high without smoking cannabis, you can use running to get that high. There’s something called the “runner’s high,” and it is a thing if you have ever heard of it. This high was until recently paired with the release of endorphins.
Endorphins are the hormones that work as “pleasant painkillers.” The release of those hormones was until a study done by the Central Institute of Mental Health at the University of Heidelberg medical school in Germany linked it to the endocannabinoid system.
That study essentially meant that you could get some high from running, and it isn’t all about clearing your thinking. And that’s why when you start a running routine, you find it hard to quit. The high, though, tends to kick in when you run long-distance races.
When you are looking to get high in a healthy way, there isn’t much that can beat vaping. With vaping, you get the high you desire without having to put any of the tar debris in your system. You also won’t have to deal with the smell as they smell like nothing.
What you do when you vape is you only inhale the pure vapor of the weed. That means you get the weed high, but at no risk at all. Most cannabis lovers refer to vaping as the purest high they can get without having to smoke cannabis.
When they came into the market, Vapes pens were about to get tobacco smokers off the cigarettes. You have a variety of options at delta 8 disposable to choose from. Today, though, they have evolved, and cannabis consumers have seen them evolve.
Vape pens are safer as the temperatures used are low, and they preserve plenty of active ingredients. These active ingredients would have otherwise been destroyed by lighting up weed to smoke. It [vaping] essentially keeps all the good stuff.
The next idea you can look at is edibles, as they give you the same high without smoking weed. The problem that most cannabis lovers have with edibles is that they take too much time before they kick in. This, though, is only for some, not all edibles.
This can spoil the mood for you if you are looking to relax. The good thing that edibles have is that they in no way affect your lungs as much as smoking would. And they also have a longer high than either vaping or smoking cannabis.
The other great idea that you have with edibles is that you have a variety. Like vapes, there are plenty of flavors and options like baked goods to gummies. You can also get cannabutter as part of the edibles that you can use.
If you are not into edibles or vaping, you can look to tinctures to get high. These are made of alcohol-based cannabis extracts; they come in bottles and have droppers. What you do is add a few drops into your drink and get high.
If you want to have faster effects, you can place a few drops under your tongue and wait for it to kick in – this shouldn’t belong. This will, however, depend on the desired dose, and you have to be careful with how much you add.
The last one on this list isn’t something most people can easily welcome – cannabis lovers or not. The intense idea of shoving cannabis up your butt or vagina isn’t something you can be too quick to take up – at least not for most people.
Different products for the vagina and the butt are available for this means. Most of these products are CBD infused and are majorly used for therapeutic reasons. Some of the treatments that suppositories are used for are pain relief and nausea.
Some of them, though, have a high THC for the added high effects. These are the ones you want to look at when you are looking to get high without smoking. You need to ensure that you use them correctly, though to have any joy in them working.
When looking for fun and casual alternatives to smoking weed, you need to look no further than the list above. They will give you the same high you are looking for without the risks of smoking cannabis.