Are you going off to college? You might think you have it all covered and that you’ve already packed everything you’ll need to live in a dorm. But let me tell you that there are things you’ll forget to bring to college, for sure. Regardless if it’s your first time on campus, or if you are just moving in again, there are some college essentials you wouldn’t want to forget.
So, now you might be asking yourself: what should I bring to college? Well, here is a list of the 23 most common things people forget to bring to campus.
1. Can opener
Imagine you arrive at your dorm after a snowstorm and there it is, a beautiful chicken noodle soup that you just can’t wait to enjoy and be delighted by the warm feeling. But guess what? You don’t have anything to open it. Not cool, bro. Not cool.

2. Brita Water Pitcher
The water at college is OK, but it tastes so much better when it is filtered. Plus, you will have plenty more water in the pitcher for you to drink when you are feeling the hangover all over your spine.

3. Cleaning supplies
Nothing a Lysol disinfecting wipe can’t fix, right?

4. Memory foam mattress pad
Because everybody knows how disgusting college mattresses can be. So if you want to sleep without bedbugs, this is a MUST.

5. Backup toilet paper
Need to say more?

6. Netflix
This is for sure, a gift sent from God. Don’t underestimate its power.

7. Eye mask
Because tipsy roommates aren’t that caring.

8. Real food
I am not talking about that extra large bag of Doritos. I am talking about some Mac and Cheese, Soup, Tuna fish, Spaghetti-O’s, or whatever you might crave at 1 o’clock in the morning.

9. Power strip
We are aware of the fact that dorms don’t have that many power outlets.

10. Maturity
It really is the most forgotten item.

11. Duck Tape
EVERYTHING can be fixed with duck tape. Duck tape is the force.

12. Speakers
Nothing beats taking a shower along with you favorite playlist.

13. Bussiness casual wear
A lot of college students forget to pack this kind of outfits, and I am pretty sure it is an essential if are trying to get that job.

14. Febreze
It can get smell and ain’t nobody got time for that.

15. Band-Aids
Nope. That one box, won’t do the job. Trust me.

16. Your dog’s picture
You should be ashamed of yourself if you leave this at home!

17. Umbrella
Don’t be stubborn! You will thank me later.

18. Tissues
You are a human being. You will get sick, eventually.

19. Command Hooks
They won’t mess up the wall, nor the paint. So if you would like to avoid losing money on residential services, this is a go-to essential.

20. Lights
You will be surprised by how poorly lit the dorms are.

21. Silverware
You can’t slurp the Mac and Cheese for the next four years.
