More and more people are delving into the use of cannabis to help them manage their health conditions. While some go for pills, capsules, edibles, as well as topical solutions, to get the cannabis dosage that they need, some people still prefer smoking the herb. The reason behind this is that the effects of cannabis are quite immediate when it is smoked. However, this entails the need for you to have the proper gear and equipment to smoke the herb, such as a high-quality bong. This article tackles all you need to know about bongs.
Parts of a Bong
The first thing that you need to know when it comes to bongs is the different parts that make it up for you to understand how you should use it. In line with this, you will find that most bong pipes have four basic components, namely the water chamber and the neck, as well as the down stem and bowl. The water chamber is the base that holds the water that creates the steam, while the bowl is the portion that holds the dry herbs. The down stem is the component that holds the two together, while the neck is the one connected to the mouthpiece where you can inhale the steam.
Smoking Process
The smoking process using a bong typically begins with heating the dry herbs on the bowl. The heat then travels through the down stem, creating steam through the water in the chamber. The steam then travels through the neck and mouthpiece, ready for your consumption. Some bongs come with a fixed down the stem, while others feature a removable one. Among the two, a removable down stem is more popular because they pave the way for easier cleaning.
Factors to Consider in Choosing a Bong
Type of Substance Used
In choosing a bong, the first thing that you need to consider is the type of substance that you will use with it. While it is true that water pipes are both suitable for dry herbs as well as legal concentrates, the type of pipe that you need to go for will vary based on what you will frequently consume. For instance, you need to have a bowl for dry herbs that also require a large down stem positioned at a 45 to 90-degree angle.
On the other hand, concentrates will entail the need for your bong to have a nail that is connected using a down stem that is positioned at a 90-degree angle. In case you plan on using both, then you need a quartz banger attachment that will allow you to easily swap between the two effortlessly.
Size of the Bong
Another factor that you need to consider when choosing a bong is its size. Bongs come in different sizes, and an ideal one that you should go for typically depends on a number of factors. These factors include where you will store it, the activities you intend to do after you smoke your dry herb or concentrate, as well as the amount of steam that you are comfortable inhaling. If you intend to store your bong in a bookshelf or a cabinet, it needs to be relatively small enough, but if you want to make it a centerpiece in the middle of your coffee table, then you can get a big one.
For sure, you want a bong that you will be able to use for a long time, which is why you should go for a durable one. Bongs that are made from borosilicate glass, as well as those with reinforced joints, prove to be more durable. Alongside this, go for those with wide and stable bases because they also tend to be more durable too, which means that bongs having beaker or flared bases are your best option.
One of the major enhancements that your bong should have is a percolator that will help make a smoother inhalation. Some of the best ones come in a showerhead or a honeycomb design, as well as a tree or helix one. Just keep in mind that the more percolators you use, the harder it is for you to clean your bong.
Some other attachments that you can add to enhance your bong include a concentrate attachment, a pre-cooler, as well as an ash catcher that can keep your device clean. In getting any of these attachments, make sure that you consider the joint attachment and angle so that they will fit perfectly to your pipe.
If you are keen on smoking cannabis rather than ingesting it in any other way, make sure that you are using the appropriate gear for it. In doing so, you will be able to effortlessly reap all the benefits from the process. In this case, refer to the points mentioned above to ensure that you are using a high quality and durable bong fit for your purpose.