Morgan Freeman: we like how he acts, but we value his voice very much too. From narrating prison movies to penguins documentaries, and even random things he sees on the street, his way with words and how he pronounces them makes you want to have a narrator of your own.

He has earned the title “The Voice of God”, for not only his appearance in the movie Bruce Almighty. But there’s more than one way to enjoy the smooth talk he provides. Here’s a list of our favorite narrations by Morgan Freeman:
Any of his movies
Literary, any of them. Sure, we love how he talks in The Dark Knight Trilogy, in his role as Lucius Fox, or in Invictus, as he portrays the deceased president Nelson Mandela. But the movies we remember the most are those in which he narrates the whole story, like in The Shawshank Redemption. Makes us want to get busy living, or get busy dying.
His documentaries voice
Let’s be honest. The world is a place full of endangerment to nature, and not many give their two cents for the environment. And those who do, are usually thinking in their local communities, and not as far as the animals on the South Pole (Actually, not many people know that there are no penguins on the North Pole). But Freeman’s narration on the documentary March of the Penguins was enough for everyone to go and see it. And if you are into documentaries, you must know he lent his voice for nine of them, his last one being, rightfully, The Story of God with Morgan Freeman.
His South Park appearance
You might like it or hate it, but South Park has become one of the most successful and enduring animated series of America. Their crude, black humor has put some celebrities on a negative view, but one of the few exceptions is none other than the voice of God.
Freeman has appeared twice on the series, in the episodes The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs and Obama Wins!. Not only that, but he also was cast once again for the ending of the video game, South Park: The Stick of Truth. And hearing him relate the origin of Princess Kenny in a soothing manner is incredibly hilarious. As we explain this, he just earned another freckle.
His cover of Justin Bieber’s song, Love Yourself
Yes, you read that right. A dramatized reading of a Justin Bieber song by Morgan Freeman is real, and it exists. Even though there has always been some controversy with the pop artist, and even when it seems that the world is divided between fans and haters, we can all agree that it is both funny and enjoyable hear Morgan Freeman create his version of the famous song. He read the lyrics in an elegiac way for Vanity Fair magazine, changing the song into a poem. If you think we are wrong about, you can hear it yourself. I guarantee you: You will not regret it.
Random stuff on the streets
One would think the voice of God would be used for something more important that just random things pedestrians do. On a Jimmy Kimmel interview, they had a camera following a person walking on the street. The actor then proceeded to narrate him as he walked on the sidewalk, at the same time he ate something. It was unclear for the narrator. Freeman’s narration is so amusing you will be watching the same video twice.