
How to Boost Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence to Live Your Best Life

How to Boost Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence to Live Your Best Life

Having low self-esteem or low self-confidence can affect your life in a multitude of ways, including poor job performance, increased likelihood of depression, problems in relationships and friendships and increased vulnerability to drug and alcohol abuse. Improving your self-esteem and boosting your self-confidence is essential if you want to tackle each day with a positive and productive attitude and live your best life. Take a look at some ways you can tackle low self-esteem and boost your confidence.

1. Silence Your Inner Critic

You know the voice inside your head telling you you’re not good enough? Not worthy enough? That you don’t deserve to be happy? It’s time to find a way to silence that inner critic for good. Because while we all have our bad days, we can’t let them define us or consume our entire lives. Silencing your inner critic can completely change how you feel about yourself and make it easier to accomplish your goals.

For instance, as much as possible, focus on replacing the voice of your inner critic with positive thoughts. Likewise, try to be mindful whenever negative thoughts start creeping up on you and stop them dead in their tracks. Then, try to think of positive words or phrases to repeat to yourself to shut out that inner critic.

2. Dress the Part

How you dress can affect not only how others see you, but also how you see yourself. If you want to feel more confident, dress the part, albeit for your personal or professional life. This could mean buying a few new dresses to wear to work or shopping for new items to add to your wardrobe for date nights to spice up your relationship.

Whatever the case may be, finding clothes that make you look good can help you feel good. So, shop around and figure out what makes you feel best. While looks aren’t everything, sometimes feeling your best starts with looking your best.

3. Exercise

Research has shown that exercising and working out can have a direct effect on your self-esteem. The more you exercise, the greater your chances of having high self-esteem. Lifting weight can do more than help you build muscle; in fact, it can actually boost your confidence and improve your mood, as long as you stick with it. Additionally, exercising, in general, can help you feel physically and mentally prepared for any challenges you might face by improving your mental function, allowing you to accomplish your goals. That can help improve your self-confidence.

4. Stop Comparing Yourself to Other People

We’ve all done it. Scrolling through social media and seeing how far your friends and family have gotten in life or what new purchases they’ve made can cause us to start beating ourselves up because we don’t have what they have or haven’t done what they’ve done. No good can come from comparing yourself to others; it just isn’t healthy.

Instead of focusing on what other people have accomplished, try instead to focus on improving your own life. Thinking other people have a better life or better things only reduces your self-confidence. So, find ways every day to be thankful for what you have and take steps toward making your life better.

Taking It One Step at a Time

Improving your self-esteem and boosting your self-confidence can help you conquer your fears and accomplish your goals. By silencing your inner critic, dressing the part, exercising and avoiding comparing yourself to others, you can turn your life around by taking it one step at a time.

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