Before you whack out your cash and spend it on any old instrument just because it looks cool, take a moment to think about what you actually want. There are plentiful instruments out there to pick from, and even when you know which one you want there are some things to consider before buying that instrument!
This post is a helpful guide to making sure you know how to get that perfect instrument for you.
1. Do Your Homework
It is very easy to get carried away when you are looking to buy a new instrument because it is so exciting! However, before you start spending your money in the closest music shop to you, you should do some research. If you know what instrument you want to get then that is great, but if you are unsure then you might want to start with something that is not too ambitious for you to learn. You want to get something that has lots of teaching resources online, and a promising amount of tutors nearby for you should you wish to go down that route. Something like the guitar is a fun one to start with because, firstly, what child didn’t dream of growing up to be a famous rock guitarist? And secondly, there are so many youtube tutorials out there that you can follow if you want to save money and avoid using a tutor.
2. Check Out Reviews
Having access to reviews online is an absolute blessing for all those who are intending to buy something. With the world’s current climate, popping into a music store and trying out all the instruments is just not possible anymore. So to make up for this, you should be vigilant in checking out reviews and using websites that focus on reviewing music. One useful resource for this is musicalhow.com as they have done the research for you already and you can check out reviews easily on there. While it may seem a bit tedious sieving through reviews, it will save you a lot of disappointment, should you order something and then, later on, find out that it has a tonne of bad reviews. After all, if you are serious about buying an instrument and you are willing to invest the money, then you should also be willing to invest the time into finding the right one for you.
3. Work Out Your Budget
It is always useful to have a budget in mind before shopping around, as otherwise, you might end up finding something you adore at a price that is going to leave you bankrupt. Having an idea of a budget doesn’t mean you can’t be flexible with it, it just gives you a good idea of what you want to spend. This is useful when it comes to shopping online as you can refine your search to fit your budget, which will save you time scrolling through hundreds of options that are not of interest to you. Similarly, if you seek the help of an expert, one of the first questions they will ask you is what is your budget. Additionally, having a strong budget in mind will probably stop you from overspending or underspending.
4. Subscribe To Vlogs And Blogs
Another great way to get an idea of what you want is by watching online tutorials and videos on the subject matter. Vlogging has increased in popularity over the last few years and it can be a great tool for finding out more information on your instrument of choice. Depending on the instrument you are interested in, there are lots of well-known bloggers who can help to point you in the right direction. By subscribing to these bloggers you can stay up to date with the latest news and information that might be of interest to you and your potential instruments.
The bottom line is that before buying anything, you should take the time to do your research and cover all grounds so that you can go in prepared. Pay attention to the reviews, and if you notice a pattern of bad reviews on an instrument or an accessory, then save yourself the disappointment and avoid it. While this all sounds very serious, buying an instrument is an exciting process, so make sure that you enjoy the ride too!