
6 Hacks That Help You Play Golf Better

6 Hacks That Help You Play Golf Better

Those who haven’t played golf before may think that the game doesn’t require a lot of effort to master. Interestingly, golf has an odd learning curve that makes it inviting for both amateurs and professionals. Hitting the ball right is the goal, but that is rarely as straightforward as you may think. There are tons of variables at play, from the material of the club to your hip placement. It is only natural to feel overwhelmed when you are trying to wrap your head around all the essential golf basics to move on to advanced playing. Whether you want to be a better golfer for the sake of fame or as a challenge, we have gathered the best 6 hacks that can help you quickly become a better player.

Give Your Putting Priority

Many beginners focus on improving their swinging technique and completely ignore their putting. However, every player, regardless of their skill level, can really benefit from bumping their putting up the priority list, as it is the only thing that matters once you have managed to get the ball to the green. It doesn’t matter how good you are at golf when your putting techniques make points tally up. Focus on perfecting your putting drill by placing three balls in a row with 3, 6, and 9 feet apart. Begin your practice with the closest ball to the hole, then move to the other balls until you find your rhythm on the course.

Amending Your Grip

A whole golf game can be affected entirely just by your grip; if it is off, then the whole game will be off. Professional golf players at clarify that starting with the fundamentals such as perfecting your grip is extremely essential before spending thousands of dollars on new clubs or investing endless hours in swing changes. Just by keeping a steady and consistent grip, you will have the power to improve your swing and slice. Start by assessing your current grip to look for any mistakes that could be corrected. To perfect your hand position, start holding the club in your weaker hand, then move the club to your dominant hand. This simple trick can help you in upgrading your grip technique.

Warming Up

Taking the time for a pre-game warm-up is almost essential in every type of sport you will ever play. Preparing yourself physically and mentally for the game ahead can do wonders in changing the game score in your favor. Make sure to dedicate at least 10 minutes to do some stretches before any game. This will not only affect your score positively, but it will also protect your body from getting injured or stopping the game due to muscle cramps and aches. To take your warming up routine to the next level, try to go for a quick stroll to awaken your leg muscles. This will protect you from the classic “dead leg”. You can also make use of this walk to check the course for the texture of the grass and bunkers.

Take Your Swing Game to the Next Level

There are different aspects to master the perfect swing. You need to understand that your body is responsible for how powerful your swings are. Focus on how your knees are positioned to maintain your body balance throughout the swing. If you are not paying attention to your knees position, they can easily come closer, especially when you are shifting and rotating during your swing. Keeping your knees apart will give you the chance to generate more power and maintain balance to achieve the perfect swing.

Don’t Fight the Loft

Another factor to consider is how your loft is designed. Each club has a different loft design. Just by paying attention to your club lofts, you will be able to manipulate them correctly to do all the work for you.

Practice, and More Practice

Overall, achieving an over-the-top swing isn’t possible without enough practice. When you invest more time and effort into practicing your swings, you will become more aware of the “sweet spot” you should use to hit the ball. Once you have mastered this art, nothing will be able to stop you from perfecting your shots.

Learning how to play golf isn’t an easy process. However, there are some factors you need to pay attention to speed up your learning curve. Almost every beginner focuses on their grip and swing and completely ignores everything else. This classic mistake will keep you from progressing. Instead, make sure to pay attention to all of the above in addition to your putting, chipping, and pitching. If you start by paying attention to learning the fundamentals, everything will easily fall into place. Even if you are now experiencing low scores, you can rest assured that with enough time and practice, you will be able to play effortlessly.

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