Categories: Animals

The World Is Not Over Remembering Harambe, We Aren’t Either

He Was A Hero For Many, And Now Is Meme Hero For You Too

Image Credit: Jill 2016

On May 28, 2016, a three-year-old boy climbed into a gorilla enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo and was grabbed by Harambe, a 17-year-old gorilla. Fearing for the boy’s life, the zoo decided to shot Harambe, so Harambe was shot dead. The incident was recorded on video and went worldwide, and has created controversy over the choice to kill Harambe.

Following the killing, Harambe became the subject of multiple memes. Since it’s related to different social subjects such as the danger of zoo animals in close proximity to human, the need for better standards of care, politics, and even social justice.

1. Because it’s not only a gorilla, it stands for a lot more.

Image credit: www.nymag.com

2. Embrace yourselves, Harembe memes are here to stay.

Image credit: www.knowyourmeme.com

3. We cannot save it anymore, so we just got the memories.

Image credit: www.knowyourmeme.com

4. Conspiracy??

Image credit: www.knowyourmeme.com

5. It actually rocked!

Image credit: www.knowyourmeme.com

6. The mic has been dropped

Image credit: www.knowyourmeme.com

7. 100% accurate

Image credit: www.knowyourmeme.com

8. Truer than the truth

Image credit: www.knowyourmeme.com

9.This is actually a nice detail.

Image credit: www.knowyourmeme.com

10. This could be a real campaign

Image credit: www.knowyourmeme.com

11. Certainly, every life matters!

Image credit: www.knowyourmeme.com

12. The dude was even showing some manners to the kid

Image credit: www.knowyourmeme.com

13. Long life the legend!

Image credit: www.knowyourmeme.com
Anais Gutierrez: