Categories: Animals

Considering Becoming a Horse Rider? Here’s What You Should Do



People excel in various sports and while some do well in working with a team of other players, some do better with sports performed individually such as golf. Nevertheless, some are great in sports which involve working with animals such as riding horses. In the case of the latter, this article tackles some of the things that you need to do if you are pondering on becoming a superb horse rider.

Set a Goal

One of the primary things that you need to do if you want to become a great horse rider is to set a goal. This means that you need to decide what you want to achieve within a specific timeframe such as in four weeks, in four months, or four years. As much as possible, practice the habit of writing out your goal because this will serve as your reminder later on. You also need to nurture your vision daily because this will help you keep focused on the goal that you want to achieve as a horse rider.

Come up with a Plan

As soon as you set a goal, the next step that you need to do is to come up with a plan to reach your aim. Your plan must break down the specific steps that you need to take to achieve your objectives such as the books that you need to read to learn how to ride properly, as well as the course that you need to join to get ample training in riding a horse. According to the seasoned horse riders behind AyrEquestrian, you need to be dressed appropriately whenever you ride a horse for your comfort and safety. This entails the need for you to include in your plan the proper apparel and gear that you need to get.

Surround Yourself with Great People

If you want to be a great horse rider, you need to surround yourself with great people. This means spending time with other riders who are supportive of your goals or getting to know other riders who are also working their way to reach their dreams in horse riding. As much as possible, stay away from people who tend to belittle your ambitions or those whose negativity may affect you significantly. Hang out with like-minded riders who believe in themselves because, in this way, you will develop the characteristic of believing in yourself too, as well as in your horse, and your vision.

Find a Role Model

A great horse rider learns from the best, which means that you need to find a role model that you can emulate. It can be any rider who has already accomplished their dreams or one who is still working towards it persistently. In this case, study the things that they have already done and learn from them. From there, build upon the knowledge that you have acquired because this will pave the way for you to garner effective results without having to reinvent the wheel. Keep in mind to see possibilities instead of difficulties to convert your negative thoughts into supportive and positive ones.

Take Action

Finally, if you want to be a great horse rider, you need to take action and keep the momentum going. In this case, you may want to start by working with an experienced horse rider who will be able to teach you how to ride and offer constructive criticism on the way that you ride. Keep in mind that their critique is meant to help you improve on your ride and not simply to let your feelings down.

You may also need to practice working with different horses because this will help your garner sufficient experience with different horse personalities, abilities, and vices. In this case, you will be able to learn how to handle a bucking horse, as well as one that likes to bolt, or even one that refuses to jump. In the end, this will make you a more confident and skilled horse rider.

You must also learn how your body language in the saddle affects your horse. Keep in mind that your horse can feel even the slightest movement that you make under the saddle, such that you need to have complete control of your own muscle tensions. In this way, you will be able to work more effectively with your horse.

If you want to become an excellent horse rider, then you need to set a goal and come up with a plan on how you will be able to do it. You also need to surround yourself with great people or find a role model that you can emulate. But the most important thing is for you to take action and work towards the goal that you have set. In the end, you will realize that all your efforts are worth it, particularly when you have reached your goal of becoming a champion horse rider.

Pablo Luna: