Take A Look At The Most Visited Countries In The World
Last Time We Talked About The Least Visited Countries, Now We Bring You The Opposite
Seeker Daily is a Youtube channel that posts videos about everything, usually about politics, society, and life in general and their goal is to help us have a better understanding of our surroundings. They have over 1 million subscribers on Youtube and have been going on for about two years now.
One of their most interesting videos is about the most visited countries in the world. We decided to bring you a summary of what the video is all about.
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Travel and Tourism account for 9% of the global GDP or about 7 trillion dollars, as you can see they are HUGE industries.
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In 2015 more than 1 billion tourists traveled the world. Every region of the world increased its tourism over 5%. (Except Africa which decreased 6%)
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France is the number one location for tourism, in 2014 it drew over 84 million travelers. Of course, France has a rich cultural history. The most visited city in France is Paris, where people usually visit Louvre and the Eiffel Tower.
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It also shares borders with eight different countries, which makes it easier and more accessible for other people.
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Why is France so popular? Because it offers a multitude of vacation options, from ski resorts to Mediterranean beaches. Even though French people are not known for their cordiality towards tourists.
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Second on the list is the USA with 74 million travelers. And even though France gets more tourists than the USA, The United States makes more money, because trips to the US usually lasts longer.
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The United States has over 2500 National Historic Landmarks, and it’s most visited attraction is Times Square in New York City.
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The next most popular destination is Spain with the third highest number of UNESCO world heritage sites. Spain tourism accounts for 11% of their GDP.
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In the last years, Spain number have grown because competitors countries have been affected by terrorist attacks. And also Spain attracts Spanish-speakers.
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Also, developing countries have also increased tourism lately. China has spent vast sums of money on their travel industry; they are currently the primary source of tourist and the fourth largest recipients of foreign travelers.